Monday, June 20, 2016


Friday- Snatch Density Heavy + Squat Strength + Squat Endurance Testing
A. High Hang Snatch + Hang Snatch, build to tough complex in 10 min
B. 1 complex/min for 10 min @ 80-90% of A
C. Back Squat, build to tough triple in 12 min
50 Thrusters @ 135# for time:
**every break do 25 Double Unders

A. 225# - Felt great. No shoulder pain 
B. Done @195#
C. worked up to 365#. 

50 Thursters - 4:59 
I did 20/10/10/10. That last set of 10 was tough. Really had to tell myself not to put the bar down. 

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