Friday- Sn Tech + Cl Tech + UB/SL Density
A. Power Snatch, build to 1RM
B. Power Snatch @ 80%, 20 reps for time:
Unbroken CTB Pull Up Ladder
Air Bike 10 min Max Calories
**note avg wattage, RPM, total Calories and Avg HR if you can
A. Hit 225#
B. Based off of 225# - 180#, time was 3:30
C. 2:30 - Not that bad. rounds 8-10 were kinda hard but just kept going.
D. 203Cal, avg HR was 171/ highest was 182. Avg RPM was probably 71. I started at 80RPM and went down to 70RPM and held 70-71 for the rest of the time.