Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Training 9/28-9/30


Friday/Saturday- Compete!


30 min Row, Bike mixed as needed in Z2 (HR 130-150)
45 min mobility

A1. Front Squat @ 70%, 4 x 5 reps, rest as needed
A2. Strict Pull Ups, no weight, 4 x 5 reps, rest as needed
B. Power Snatch, 1/min @ 75% for 15 min
C. Power Clean, 1/min @ 75% for 15 min
D. L-Sit Hang, 10sec/min for 10 min

Row 2 min @ 75-80%
rest 1 min
Bike 2 min @ 75-80%
rest 1 min
x 6
30 min mobility

Monday - Done Added in 5min run. The rest done mixed bike and row.

A1 - 305#
A2 - done

B. Done @ 175#
C. Done @ 235#
D. Done

Pre-Comp Training

W7 for pensacola
Friday- Snatch Testing + CP Tester + MAP Runs
Warm up
3 rounds not for time:
4-6 L-Sit Pull Ups
4-6 Wall Facing HSPU’s
4-6 Pistols/leg
A. Clean Complex, build to about 90% effort for 3 sets  
B. Front Squat, build to a tough double, not 2RM
For time:
Row 250m
21 Toes to Bar Unbroken
15 Power Snatches
9 Bar-Facing Burpees
**try to go unbroken, go for broke, if you hit a wall, we’ll discuss later
rest 15-20 min
For time:
Row 250m
15/6 Toes to Bar
8/7 Snatches
9 Bar-facing burpees

Saturday- Bending Vol + Mixed MAP 
20 FSQ’s, 185#
20 Box Jump Overs
10 Muscle Ups
20 Power Cleans, 185#
rest as needed (preferably second session)
250’ Bear Crawl
25 DB Push Press, 55#/H
75 Cal Air Bike
25 DB Push Press, 55#/H
Run 800m

Sunday- off

Monday- Cl&J Testing + CF Tester + MAP Runs
A. Clean Complex, build to about 90% effort for 1 set
B. FSQ, build to about 85% for a single
16 min EMOM
1st- Row 200m
2nd- 7 Unbroken Toes to Bar
3rd- 5 TnG Power Snatches, 145#
4th- 5 Bar-Facing Burpees
20 min easy run

Tuesday- BSQ Heavy + Sled Sprint + MAP 1/2
A. 2 sets of Max Unbroken Muscle Ups (-2), rest 4-5 min
B. 2 sets of Max Unbroken Strict HSPU’s @ 5” deficit, rest 4-5 min
3 sets 
4 Bar-Facing Burpees
rest 20 sec
10 Box Jump Overs, 24”
rest 20 sec
40 Double Unders
rest 20 sec
Row 20 min easy pace

Wednesday- Sn/Cl&J tough + Skill EMOM + Row w/ Mask
A. Clean Complex, build to about 75-80% for a perfect single
20 sec Sled Push w/ bodyweight including sled max effort, rest 4 min x 4
Air Bike, 30 sec @ 65-70RPM, 30 sec easy spin, x 10
Air Bike 10 min Z1


Friday/Saturday- Compete!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Wednesday- Sn/Cl&J tough + Skill EMOM + Row w/ Mask
A. Hang Snatch, build to 3RM TnG, <10 min
B. Below Knee Hang Snatch Pull @ 100% Snatch, 3 x 3 TnG **never stop moving, fast drive up, lower straight down to below knee and right back up, rest 2-3 min b/w sets
C.  FSQ + 3 Jerk (any style), build to tough set **take from rack
For time:
5 rounds
5 Unbroken Muscle Ups
10 Unbroken Toes to Bar
30 Strict HSPU's
Row 20 min @ Z1 w/ Training Mask

A. 185/195/205/215/225(Failed last rep)
B. Did at 225# and used straps
C. 205/225/265/275/285/300# - Felt fast. Glad to hit 300#

D. 9:37
- MUs unbroken except the last round. I did 4 and then couldn't get the 5th. Failed it twice.
- T2B first round UB. All others 5/5.

E. 1:25 - Did 21 UB. I feel like I could have done this in less time.

Row - Done


Tuesday- BSQ Heavy + Sled Sprint + MAP 1/2
A. Pause BSQ w/ 2 sec pause in bottom, build to tough single less than 12 mi
4 x 30 sec Air Bike Sprint, rest 3-4 min
3 sets
Row 1000m @ 2:00/500m
25 KB Swings, 53#
10 Burpees
rest 3 min b/w sets
10 min cyclical flush of choice

A. 225/275/315/365/405#

B. Done

C. 5:55/5:47/5:45

D. Air Bike 10min @ Z1


Monday- Cl&J Testing + CF Tester + MAP Runs
3 rounds not for time:
25’ HS Walk
40 Double Unders
50’ Duck Walk w/ Barbell*** in OHS position
A. Hang Clean, build to 3RM TnG *full squat every rep, anywhere above knee to high hang, your choice
10 Thrusters, 175#
20 CTB Pull Ups
15 Thrusters, 155#
25 Pull Ups
20 Thrusters, 135#
30 Toes to Bar
**runs can be done as separate session if needed or possible
Run 800m **all -2-3 sec from last week
rest 1 min
x 3


Warm up - Done

A. 225/255/265/275/285/295/305# 

B. 9:30 - Legs were a little tired.
- Thrusters 5/5
- C2B unbroken

- Thrusters 8/7
- Pull ups 15/10

-Thrusters 10/5/5
T2B - 15/10/5

-Legs felt like lead weights. 


Did a scaled partner comp. Skipped this workout.

Monday, September 14, 2015


W6 for pensacola
Friday- Snatch Testing + CP Tester + MAP Runs
Warm up
3 rounds not for time:
4-6 L-Sit Pull Ups
4-6 Wall Facing HSPU’s
4-6 Pistols/leg
A. Power Snatch build to 1RM  
B. Power Snatch w/ 75% of above, 3 x AMRAP unbroken, rest 3 min
OHS, 185#
Muscle Ups
**can be done in p.m.
Run 400m @ -3 sec pace from last week
rest 30 sec
x 3
rest 2 min
x 2
**6 total 400’s

Warm up - On my second pull up I felt something pop and had a shooting pain down my side. I decided to skip the rest of the pull ups. Finished the rest.

A. 155/185/205/215/225# - Felt weak today.
B. 6/5/5 - Again felt kinda fatigued walking into the gym today and these felt kinda heavy.

C. 22:18 - Legs felt good on OHS. Shoulders were a little tight. MUs weren't bad. I didn't really push on this b/c I wasn't feeling strong.

Runs done later

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


Wednesday- Sn/Cl&J tough + Skill EMOM + Row w/ Mask
A. Snatch, build to 3RM TnG, <10 min
B. Snatch Pull @ 110% of A, 3 x 3, rest 90 sec *straps if needed
C. 2 FSQ + Split Jerk, build to tough set **take from rack
For time:
20 Muscle Ups
40 HSPU’s, 6” deficit
80 Toes to Bar
Row 20 min @ Z1 w/ Training Mask

A. 135/155/175/195/225(F)/235(F)
- Wasn't feeling strong this AM. Failed 225 and thought I could get 235 failed that on the last rep. Time ran out and thought about going for it again but decided to move on.

B. Did this at 255# w/Staps.

C. 17:45
MUs - 8/4/4/4 - done in under 3min
HSPUs - were tough. Did sets of 5 until the last 10 and then did 3s/2s.
T2B - 10/10/10/10/6/6/6/6/6/6/2/2
-My hands were hurting. Hip flexors got tired towards the end of the T2B. Shoulders were very tired on the HSPUs.

Row to be done later in the day.


Tuesday- BSQ Heavy + Sled Sprint + MAP 1/2
A. 1 & 1/4 BSQ @ 30X1, build to tough single less than 12 mi
4 x 20 sec Sled Push w/ 150# on top, rest 3-4 min
40 min EMOM
1st- 15 Wall Ball, 20#+ Air Bike easy in remaining time...
2nd- Row @ Z3
3rd- 6 Rebounding Box Jumps, 24" + Air Bike easy…
4th- Row @ Z3

A. 405#

B. Done

- That was rough. I just kept it to one minute at a time and got through it. WBs unbroken. Tried to keep the row under 1:50/500m pace.


Monday- Cl&J Testing + CF Tester + MAP Runs
3 rounds not for time:
25’ HS Walk
40 Double Unders
50’ Duck Walk w/ Barbell*** in OHS position
A. Clean, build to 3RM TnG *full squat every rep
3 rounds for time:
20 CTB Pull Ups
20 KB Swings, 70#
**runs can be done as separate session if needed or possible
Run 800m **all -2-3 sec from last week
rest 1 min
x 3

Warm up - Done

A. 255/275/295/305(F)/305(F)
- Failed 305# on the 3rd rep each time. I caught it in the whole but couldn't stand it up.

B. 6:26
C2B - 11/9 - except the last set was 11/6/3
KBS - 12/8 - Grip was destroyed. Forearms were on fire.

- Last run was a grinder.


Saturday- Bending Vol + Mixed MAP
A. Hang Power Cleans, 3 x 7 TnG, rest 3 min
7 min  @ 85%
3 Toes to Bar
12 Wall Ball, 20#
6 Toes to Bar
12 Wall Ball, 20#
9 Toes to Bar
12 Wall Ball, 20#
**ascending TTB by 3’s as high as possible
rest 4 min
7 min @ 85%
3 CTB Pull Ups
12 Thrusters, 95#
12 Thrusters, 95#
**ascending CTB as high as possible by 3’s
rest 4 min
7 min @ 95%
Air Bike 50 Cals
25 FSQ @ 155#
AMRAP Muscle Ups in remaining time:

A. 205/215/235 - Last set felt heavy.

1st - 7min @ 85%
15 T2B and 8 WBs

2nd - 7min @85%
12Thrusters and 12 C2B

3rd - 7min @95%
FSQ - 15/10
MUs - 4/6 - 10 total


Friday- Snatch Testing + CP Tester + MAP Runs
Warm up
3 rounds not for time:
4-6 L-Sit Pull Ups
4-6 Wall Facing HSPU’s
4-6 Pistols/leg
A. Below Knee Hang Snatch, build to a max
B. Squat Snatch w/ 75% of above, 3 x AMRAP unbroken, rest 3 min
Heavy Diane
Dead Lifts, 315#
Strict HSPU's
**can be done in p.m.
Run 400m @ -3 sec pace from last week
rest 30 sec
x 3
rest 2 min
x 2
**6 total 400’s

Warm up - Done

A. 195/215/225/235/245/255PR Felt great to PR. Good for my mental game.
B. 190#: 6/4/5 - These felt kinda good.

Heavy Diane - 6:46
Deadlifts weren't that bad. HSPUs got difficult but felt a lot better then a few months ago.

Running is feeling easier. At least 400s feel easier.  lol

Wednesday, September 2, 2015


Wednesday- Sn/Cl&J tough + Skill EMOM + Row w/ Mask
A. Snatch Pull + Hang Snatch from Below Knee, build to tough single, <10 min
B. Snatch Pull @ 105% of A, 3 x 3, rest 90 sec
C. 2 FSQ + Push Jerk + Split Jerk, build to tough set **take from rack
20 min EMOM
1st- AMRAP -2 Unbroken Ring MU's
2nd- 8 Deficit HSPU’s **6-8"
3rd- 12 Toes to Bar
Row 20 min @ Z1 w/ Training Mask

A. 185/205/225/235/245 Fail

B. All @ 255# - These felt heavy. Grip was toast.

C. 185/205/225/245/275(F)/275 - Not front squatting in awhile the first set at 185# felt like 315#. lol The jerk was feeling better.

EMOM: Done
MUs - 7/6/4/4/4/4/3 these felt good
D.HSPU - Used 2 45#s for deficit. These felt pretty good. Thought that the reps were 6-8. Did 6 ea. round. Except for 1 round did 3.
T2B - All done 9/3.

PM: Row Done

Also added some running:
800m Run
1min rest

All about a 3:45 pace

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Tuesday- BSQ Heavy + Sled Sprint + MAP 1/2
A. Back Squat @ 40X1, build to 2RM in less than 12 mi
6 x 15 sec Sled Push w/ 170# on top, rest 3-4 min
40 min EMOM
1st- 6 Burpees to 6” target + Air Bike easy in remaining time...
2nd- 30 Double Unders + Air Bike easy…
3rd- 6 Rebounding Box Jumps, 20" + Air Bike easy…
4th- 2 Wall Walks + Air Bike easy...

A. 425# - Wanted to hit more. Failed 445#. Probably to much.

B. Sled Pushes - Thought I was gonna throw up on these. This week has been terrible. My fault I need more sleep.

EMOM - Done. Just another grinder. Wasn't that bad. Getting used to it. lol...


Monday- Cl&J Testing + CF Tester + MAP Runs
3 rounds not for time:
25’ HS Walk
40 Double Unders
50’ Duck Walk w/ Barbell*** in OHS position
A. Clean & Jerk, build to 3RM TnG, no pause at the shoulder on way up **ground to shoulder to OH anyhow
For time:
75 Hang Squat Snatch, 75# **below knee hang
30 Strict Pull Ups
75 KB Swings, 70#  **go max unbroken on your first set of wall ball, then dig to finish
**runs can be done as separate session if needed or possible
Run 800m **all -2-3 sec from last week
rest 1 min
x 3


Warm up - Done

A. 135/155/185/205/235/255 (failed the last rep)

B. 18:50 - didn't sleep well the night before. Felt very sluggish.
H.S.Snatch - 10/10/10/10/10/5/5/8/7. My feet started to hurt on these and turned into more of a quad movement rather then using my hamstrings.
Pull up - set of two all the way through and switched between supinated and regular grip.
KBS - 20UB/5/5/10/10/10/8/7 - KBS killed me. I thought that they would be easy. Not easy at all. Shoulders were fried.

PM: Runs
3:15/3:13/3:13 - again these were kinda tough. Not a good day of training for me.


Saturday- Bending Vol + Mixed MAP
A. Clean Grip Dead Lift, 3 x 5 TnG, rest 3 min  *first set @ 285 **no hook grip
For time @ 85%
40 Toes to Bar
80 Wall Ball, 20#
rest 4 min
For time: @ 85%
Row 500m
30 Power Cleans 115#
30 CTB Pull Ups
rest 4 min
For time @ 95%  **note change in intensity here
Air Bike 50 Cals
25 Burpees to 6” target
**consistent effort across all sets, don’t go all out on first one

A. 285/315/335

T2B - Did 10/10/10/5/5
WB - 10/10/10/10/10/10/5/8/7

Row - 1:55 - 2:00min pace
P.Cleans - 10/10/5/5
C2B - These felt off. Hard to find a rhythm. first set was hard to get going. Did sets of 5 and one set of 10. 

AD&Burpees - My first thought after finishing it was - felt similar to 15.5. The lactic burn in my quads was rough and it stayed through the burpees.  I started going all out and just took a little off and established that as my 95%. 


W4 for pensacola
Friday- Snatch Testing + CP Tester + MAP Runs
Warm up
3 rounds not for time:
4-6 L-Sit Pull Ups
4-6 Wall Facing HSPU’s
4-6 Pistols/leg
A. High Hang Snatch + Below Knee Hang Snatch, build to a max
B. Squat Snatch w/ 90% of above, 3 x AMRAP unbroken, rest 3 min
15 Dead Lifts, 275#
15 Strict HSPU’s
10 Dead Lifts, 315#
10 HSPU’s, 5” deficit
5 Dead Lifts, 365#
5 HSPU’s 10” deficit
**can be done in p.m.
Run 400m @ -2 sec pace from last week
rest 30 sec
x 3
rest 2 min
x 2
**6 total 400’s

Warm up - Done

A. 235# - Felt good.

B. 2/2/2 - These are really hard. I feel like I should be able to do more. Not happy about this result.

C. 4:50 -

PM: Runs