Thursday, June 30, 2016


Wednesday- Squat/Pull Strength + Bend Push Strength + Core
A1. Overhead squat @ 33X1, 4 x 4, rest 60 sec
A2. Towel L-sit Pull Ups, 4 x 4-6 reps, rest 2 min
B1. Snatch High Pull @ 20X1, 4 x 5, rest 60 sec **pull to nipple line, don’t go too heavy to where you can’t get it this high
B2. Wtd Ring Dips @ 33X1, 4 x 5, rest 2 min
15 min EMOM
1st- 10-30 sec Bottom of Ring Hold
2nd- 20-30 sec Hollow Hold
3rd- 15-20 Hip Extensions

Didn't sleep well the night before so I think it took some time to get into this workout.

Add in Tuesday AM here 

4min run 
3 min rest 
4 min row 
Only did one set though. I was very dead after the 1st run. 

A1. 225/225/245/275 These were tough but shoulder felt good
A2. Done  4 reps each also very tough 

B1. 135/135/155/175
B2. 26/35/35/44 Wasn't sure if I could do this but felt good at the end. Glad that I can do these again. 

15min EMOM


Tuesday- A.M. Run Capacity P.M. Aerobic w/ Anaerobic mixed
Run/Row mixed
4 sets
4 min @ 100% MAS (2k pace or mile pace)
Rest 3 min
**alternate back and forth, 2 on rower, 2 running
15 min EMOM
1- 20 sec Max Distance HS Walk
2- 20-40 sec Hollow Hold
3- 15 Russian KB Swings, 70#

40 min EMOM
1st- 8 Burpees + easy bike…
2nd- 30 Double Unders + easy bike…
3rd- 3 Wall Walks + easy bike....
4th- 8 Box Jumps, 30” step down + easy bike…
5th- 12 Wallball, 20# + easy bike….
6th- 3 Deadlifts @ 82.5% of 3RM + rest


15min EMOM - Done in PM 

40min EMOM 
Done with 315# DL

Lets move the AM session. Im not getting up in time to do it.


Monday- Clean & Jerk + Oly Density + Press/Bend + Pull/Squat
A. 2 Hang Clean from Below Knee + Jerks, build to tough complex in 12 min **drop each clean
B. 5 Power Clean to OH every min for 10 min **start light and build off feel, keeping priority on speed and efficiency
C1. Good Morning @ 2010, 3 x 10, rest 1 min **should be able to do 135 or more on these
C2. Incline DB Press @ 20X2, 3 x 10, rest 90 sec
16 min EMOM **go get it!
1st- 8 Front Rack Lunges + 2 Front Squats @ 50-60% FSQ
2nd- 1-2 Rope Climbs **legless if possible

A. 225/245/255/265/275/285(F) 
B. 95/95/115/115/135/135/135/155/165/165

C1. 135# all done 
C2. 50#

EMOM - Done @ 145#. Amd I must have done my math wrong b/c 145# was to light but it still sucked. I almost gave up on the rope climbs at the end. All rope climbs were legless. 


Saturday- A.M. BIke + Mixed P.M. UB Strength
4 sets 2 min Bike @ 100% 6 min Bike pace, easy spin 1 min
4 sets
60 sec 20 Wallball, 20# + Box Jumps, 24”- step down in remaining time
60 sec rest
60 sec Double Unders
60 sec rest
60 sec 15 Power Snatch, 75# + Burpees
60 sec rest

A1. Single Arm KB Press, 5 x 4-6 reps, rest 60 sec
A2. Rope Climb, 5 x 1 legless + 1 w/ legs, rest 2 min
B1. DB Arnold Press @ 20X1, 3 x 8-10, rest 60 sec
B2. Supinated Grip Pendlay Row @ 11X1, 3 x 8, rest 2 min
8 min AMRAP
2 Muscle Ups
4 Ring Dips
6 CTB Pull Ups
8 Toes to Bar


4 sets on bike done. That was harder than I thought it would be 

4 sets:

Was busy in the morning so I had to choose between the 2. I chose the weaker of the 2. 


Friday- Snatch Density Heavy + Squat Strength + Squat Endurance Testing
A. Below Knee Hang Snatch, build to tough single for day in 10 min
B. 1 Squat Snatch/45 sec @ 80-90% of A
C. Back Squat, build to tough double in 12 min
For time:
40 Alt Pistols
30 Alt Pistols, 35# KB
20 Alt Pistols, 53# KB
10 Alt Pistols, 70# KB

A. 225# felt good to snatch that again 
B. All done @ 195#
C. Done worked up to 365# felt heavier than I thought it would 

12:53 Worst part about this was my lower back. It was on fire and I couldn't stand up straight. Legs felt ok tho. Failed my 1st rep at 70#. 

Thursday, June 23, 2016


Wednesday- Squat/Pull Strength + Bend Push Strength + Core
A1. Overhead squat @ 33X1, 4 x 5, rest 60 sec
A2. Towel L-sit Pull Ups, 4 x 4-6 reps, rest 2 min
B1. Snatch Grip Deadlifts @ 40X1, 4 x 5, rest 60 sec
B2. Wtd Ring Dips @ 33X1, 4 x 5, rest 2 min
15 min EMOM
1st- 10-30 sec Bottom of Ring Hold
2nd- 20-30 sec Hollow Hold
3rd- 15-20 Hip Extensions

Didnt have time to get to this. Thinking about doing it tonight but also think rest would be good. 

Tuesday - Done on Wednesday

Tuesday- A.M. Run Capacity P.M. Aerobic w/ Anaerobic mixed
Row 3 x 10 sec MAX EFFORT, rest 2 min **record peak pace/500m
Row 2k for time:
Total time:
Avg Pace/500m
Avg HR
Peak HR
6 x 1 min Row @ 2k pace, 1 min easy or rest

40 min EMOM
1st- 7 Burpees + easy bike…
2nd- 25 Double Unders + easy bike…
3rd- 3 Wall Walks + easy bike....
4th- 7 Box Jumps, 30” step down + easy bike…
5th- 10 Wallball, 20# + easy bike….
6th- 3 Deadlifts @ 80% of 3RM + rest


Row 3x10sec
1 - 1:17
2 - 1:17
3 - 1:17 
Was trying really hard to get 1:16 but just didnt have it

2k Row  
Avg pace 1:46
Avg HR 158
Peak HR 175
Tried to pace this out at 1:45/500 and then push the last 500m. I felt good at 1000m and then died on the last 500m. 


EMOM Done felt easy  
DL - 295#

Monday - Done on Tuesday b/c I missed Monday training

Monday- Clean & Jerk + Oly Density + Press/Bend + Pull/Squat
A. Hang Clean from Below Knee + 2 Jerks, build to tough complex in 12 min
B. 5 Power Clean + 5 Shoulder to OH every min for 10 min **start light and build off feel, keeping priority on speed and efficiency
C1. Good Morning @ 2010, 3 x 10, rest 1 min
C2. Incline DB Press @ 20X2, 3 x 10, rest 90 sec
16 min EMOM
1st- 8 Front Rack Lunges + 2 Front Squats @ 50-60% FSQ
2nd- 1-2 Rope Climbs **legless if possible

A. 275# Felt really good

B. All done @ 135# 

C1. Did 2 sets @ 135# and then realized that I might have gone to heavy so last set was @ 45# 
C2. All done @ 45#

1st - 205#
2nd 1 legless 
Only did 8min didnt have a lot of time and also gave up mentally. Not happy about this gonna get after it next week. 

Monday, June 20, 2016


Saturday- A.M. BIke + Mixed P.M. UB Strength
3 x 10 sec ME Bike Sprint, rest 2-3 min *note peak watts, RPM, Speed
6 min Bike Test
Total Cals
Avg Watts
Avg HR
Peak HR
4 sets
60 sec 15 Wallball, 20# + Box Jumps, 24”- step down in remaining time
60 sec rest
60 sec Bike
60 sec rest
60 sec Power Snatch, 75#
60 sec rest

A1. Strict Deficit HSPU’s, 4 x 4-6 reps, rest 60 sec **deficit as possible
A2. Rope Climb, 4 x 1 legless + 1 w/ legs, rest 2 min
B1. DB Press @ 20X1, 3 x 8-10, rest 60 sec
B2. Supinated Grip Pendlay Row, 3 x 8, rest 2 min
8 min AMRAP
3 Muscle Ups
3 Ring Dips
6 Toes to Bar


3x10sec Air Bike. Done on assault bike
Watts - 125 I had a hard time recording this so not sure if it is correct. 
RPM - 107/109/110
Speed - 40.6/41/42.1

6 min Air Bike done on assault bike
Cals - 110
Watts - 422
RPM - Avg. 68 / Peak 92
Avg. HR - 168
Max HR - 176

4 Sets 
BJ 9/9/9/9
Bike 13/14/14/13
PS 17/18/17/19

Only rested 1hr between AM and PM. 


A1. Done 4 reps - Small amount of pain in shoulder. Also felt weak. 
A2. Done
B1. Done @ 50#
B2. Done @ 135#

8min AMRAP - Didn't go super hard on this b/c I felt pretty fatigued. 
5 total rounds. Everything UB. Ring dips were hard and a small amount of pain in shoulder. 


Friday- Snatch Density Heavy + Squat Strength + Squat Endurance Testing
A. High Hang Snatch + Hang Snatch, build to tough complex in 10 min
B. 1 complex/min for 10 min @ 80-90% of A
C. Back Squat, build to tough triple in 12 min
50 Thrusters @ 135# for time:
**every break do 25 Double Unders

A. 225# - Felt great. No shoulder pain 
B. Done @195#
C. worked up to 365#. 

50 Thursters - 4:59 
I did 20/10/10/10. That last set of 10 was tough. Really had to tell myself not to put the bar down. 

Wednesday, June 15, 2016


Wednesday- Aerobic/Gym Warm Up + Pulling Speed Strength + Strength EMOM
3 rounds not for time:
75 Double Unders
8 Supinated Grip Strict Toes to Bar
45 sec Wall Facing HS Hold **shift weight side to side every 5 sec or so, build to single arm holds, if you can do single arm holds than do that every 5 sec alternating
A. Deadlift with Chains- build to 3RM **note bar weight
4 rounds for time:
2 Rope Climbs, 15’
Run 100’
4 Squat Cleans, 225#
Run 100’

Warm up done. Did the single arm holds alternating every 5sec
Shoulder is feeling strong again. :) 

A. 365# 

4 rounds 
rope climbs were tough for some reason. 


Tuesday- A.M. Run Capacity P.M. Long EMOM
Run 20 min Moderate/easy effort
4 x 20 sec sled sprint, moderate weight, high turnover, rest 2 min

4 sets
Sled Push 12 sec MAX EFFORT, heavy, rest 2 min
32 min EMOM
1st- 10 DB Thrusters, 45#/H + Bike easy remaining time
2nd- 30 Double Unders + Bike….
3rd- 3 Wall Walks + Bike…
4th- 5 Burpee Box Jump overs, 20” (all the way over)+ Bike...



Sled sprint done @ 45# on top of sled 


Sled push done @ 135# should have gone heavier. 

EMOM - Done. Such a grind


Monday- Aerobic/Gym warm Up + Cl tech + UB Strength + UB Vol
2 rounds not for time:
20 Burpees
2 Turkish Get Ups/arm, 53#
10 Single Arm High Pulls, 53#
A. Clean Pull + Power Clean, 1 set/min for 10 min **build from 70%
B1. Supinated Grip Pull Up @ 21X1, 3 x 6-8, rest 30 sec
B2. Single Arm DB Press @ 20X2, 3 x 8-10, rest 30 sec b/w arms
3 rounds for time:
20 Alt Front Rack Step Ups 135#
20 CTB Pull Ups
10 min EMOM
1st- 10-30 sec Ring Support Hold w/ External Rotation as possible.
2nd- 10-30 sec Bottom of Ring dip Hold

Warm up Done
- arm pulls felt good. both sides seemed equal 

A. 225/245/255/265/275/285/295F/295/305

B1. Done
B2. Done @ 45#

3 rounds - 13:21 
c2b UB
Step ups were very tough

EMOM - Done


Saturday- A.M. IWT Threshold P.M. Run Capacity
7 sets
30 sec Wallball, 20#
30 sec rest
30 sec Bike
30 sec rest
30 sec Power Snatch, 75#
30 sec rest
30 sec Row
30 sec rest
30 sec Box Jumps, 30” step down
30 sec rest

3 sets
Run 800m @ moderate pace (7:00-7:30 pace)
Rest 60 sec
Run 300m @ hard effort (6:15-6:30 pace)
Rest 3 min


WB 16/16/16/16/16/16/16
Bike 8/8/7/8/7/7/8
PS 12/12/13/12/11/10/11
Row 134/149/145/147/147/151/143
BJ 12/12/12/12/12/12/12


800m: 3:52/4:21/4:34
300m: 1:04/1:07/1:08


Friday- Aerobic/Shoulder Warm Up + Snatch Tech + Squat + UB Strength
3 rounds not for time:
20 Cal Bike
100’ Single Arm OH DB Carry, tough weight
150’ Heavy Single Arm Farmer’s Carry
A. Muscle Snatch, build to 5RM
B. Back Squat w/ Chains, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, rest 2 min
C1. Pendlay Row @ 21X1, 4 x 10, rest 2 min
C2. DB Bench Press @ 21X1, 4 x 10, rest 2 min

Warm up - Done 
- 2 rounds done with 80#  OH carry and last round used 100# 
- Arm carry done @ 80#

A. 155# 
B. 3x3 @ 365# / 3x2 @ 385# plus chainz

C1. 135#
C2. 50# 

Thursday, June 9, 2016


Wednesday- Aerobic/Gym Warm Up + Pulling Speed Strength + Strength EMOM
3 rounds not for time:
75 Double Unders
8 Supinated Grip Strict Toes to Bar
45 sec Wall Facing HS Hold **shift weight side to side every 5 sec or so, build to single arm holds, if you can do single arm holds than do that every 5 sec alternating
A. Deadlift- build to 3RM w/ perfect form
5 rounds for time:
5 Front Squats @ 250
1 Legless Rope Climb
1 Rope Climb
**if shoulder doesn’t feel up to rope climbs then do 20 Kipping CTB.  If it doesn’t feel up to kipping then do 10 Strict Pull Ups

Warm up done. 
Did alternating holds left to right 
Shoulder is feeling stronger! Also very little issues with it this week.  

A. 365# - Hit 345 and felt good so decided to go up. Happy with that. 

5 rounds
The rope climbs were challenging. 


Tuesday- A.M. Run Capacity P.M. Long EMOM
A.M. **want to take this out and build this conditioning in to your single session?
Run 25 min Moderate/easy effort
4 x 20 sec sled sprint, moderate weight, high turnover, rest 2 min

4 sets
Sled Push 12 sec MAX EFFORT, heavy, rest 2 min
32 min EMOM
1st- 10 DB Thrusters, 45#/H + Bike easy remaining time
2nd- 30 Double Unders + Bike….
3rd- 3 Wall Walks + Bike…
4th- 5 Burpee Box Jump overs, 20” (all the way over)+ Bike...

Done - Lets leave it 

Missed the PM had to work late. 


Monday- Aerobic/Gym warm Up + Cl tech + UB Strength + UB Vol
2 rounds not for time:
20 Burpees
2 Turkish Get Ups/arm, 53#
10 Single Arm High Pulls, 53#
A. Clean Pull @ 105%, 1/45 sec sec for 8 reps
B1. Supinated Grip Pull Up @ 21X1, 3 x 6-8, rest 30 sec
B2. Single Arm DB Press @ 20X2, 3 x 8-10, rest 30 sec b/w arms
3 rounds for time:
20 Steps Front Rack Walking Lunges, 165#
15 CTB Pull Ups
10 min EMOM
1st- 10-30 sec Ring Support Hold w/ External Rotation as possible.
2nd- 10-30 sec Bottom of Ring dip Hold

Warm up done

A. 345# felt good
B1. done 8 reps each
B2. done with 45# 

3 rounds FT: 
Lunges were UB on 1st round and then 10/10 
C2B all UB

EMOM - Done
could only do about 10 - 15sec each. Very challenging. 


Saturday- A.M. IWT Threshold P.M. Run Capacity
6 sets
30 sec Wallball, 20#
30 sec rest
30 sec Bike
30 sec rest
30 sec Power Snatch, 75#
30 sec rest
30 sec Row
30 sec rest
30 sec Box Jumps, 30” step down
30 sec rest

3 sets
Run 800m @ moderate pace (7:00-7:30 pace)
Rest 60 sec
Run 300m @ hard effort (6:15-6:30 pace)
Rest 3 min


WB 15/15/16/16/16/16
Bike 6/8/8/9/8/8
PS 13/12/12/12/12/12
Row 140/142/146/147/150
Box Jump 12/12/12/12/12/12 



800m 3:50/4:15/4:08
300m 1:03/1:04/58sec


riday- Aerobic/Shoulder Warm Up + Snatch Tech + Squat + UB Strength
3 rounds not for time:
20 Cal Bike
100’ Single Arm OH DB Carry, tough weight
150’ Heavy Single Arm Farmer’s Carry
A. Muscle Snatch, build to 10RM
B. Back Squat w/ Chains, 5 x 3, rest 2 min **try to get chains set up to where heavy chains are bottom half and top half is just connector.  So whenyou get to bottom of squat only 1-3 heavy links are still off the ground but the rest are on the ground.  When standing, 1-2 links should be on the ground.
C1. Pendlay Row @ 21X1, 3 x 15, rest 2 min
C2. DB Bench Press @ 21X1, 3 x 15, rest 2 min

Warm up done

A. 125# 
B. Done @ 345# plus chainz

C1. Done with 135 
C2. done with 50# 

Thursday, June 2, 2016


Wednesday- Aerobic/Gym Warm Up + Pulling Speed Strength + Strength EMOM
3 rounds not for time:
75 Double Unders
8 Supinated Grip Strict Toes to Bar
45 sec Wall Facing HS Hold **shift weight side to side every 5 sec or so, build to single arm holds, if you can do single arm holds than do that every 5 sec alternating
A. Banded Deadlifts, 7 x 3, rest 2 min **building
28 min EMOM
1st- 5 Front Squat, 225-245
2nd- 7 False Grip Strict Pull Ups
3rd- 7 Bench Press @ 70%ish **decrease weight if you need to based off last week
4th- off

Warm up done. 
Did alternating hands stand holds. Left side is a little weaker but felt good overall.

A. 225/245/265/285/315/345/375. 

EMOM - Done

1st - 225#
2nd - These got tough 
3rd - 185#
4th - off

I was on pace until the 24th minute. Finished at 29:30.


Tuesday- A.M. Run Capacity P.M. Long EMOM
Run 25 min Moderate/easy effort
4 x 20 sec sled sprint, moderate weight, high turnover, rest 2 min

4 sets
Sled Push 10 sec MAX EFFORT, heavy, rest 2 min
30 min EMOM
1st- 10 DB Thrusters, 45#/H + Bike easy remaining time
2nd- 30 Double Unders + Bike….
3rd- 3 Wall Walks + Bike…
4th- 5 Burpee Box Jump overs, 20” (all the way over)+ Bike...

AM: Skipped having a hard time waking up to get this done 

Sled push done with 350# plus sled

No pain in shoulder at all. 


Monday- Aerobic/Gym warm Up + Cl tech + UB Strength + UB Vol
2 rounds not for time:
20 Burpees
2 Turkish Get Ups/arm, 53#
10 Single Arm High Pulls, 53#
A. Clean Pull @ 100%, 1/45 sec sec for 10\ reps
B1. Supinated Grip Pull Up @ 21X1, 5 x 6-8, rest 30 sec
B2. Single Arm DB Press @ 20X2, 5 x 8-10, rest 30 sec b/w arms
18 min EMOM
1st- 10 Alt Front Rack Step Ups, tough weight
2nd- 12 Alt Archer Ring Rows- does not need to be false grip
3rd- 8-10 Incline DB Bench Press, tough weight

Warm up done

Single arm high pulls felt better this week. Left arm is feeling stronger. 

A. Done @ 330#

B1. Done
B2. Done @ 50#

1st - done with 135#
2nd - done
3rd - 50# small amount of pain of the first few sets 


Saturday- A.M. IWT Threshold P.M. Run Capacity
5 sets
30 sec Wallball, 20#
30 sec rest
30 sec Bike
30 sec rest
30 sec Power Snatch, 75#
30 sec rest
30 sec Row
30 sec rest
30 sec Box Jumps, 30” step down
30 sec rest

3 sets
Run 800m @ moderate pace (7:00-7:30 pace)
Rest 60 sec
Run 300m @ hard effort (6:15-6:30 pace)
Rest 3 min


WB - 15 all rounds
Bike - 9/8/8/7/8/6
PS - 13 all rounds 
Row - 105m-115 per round 
Box Jump - 10 all rounds 

I'm considering switching gyms so I did a team workout at the new gym with the guys there. 
Partner of 2 split in half 

80 Power Sntach 75#
60 Cal AD
40 MUs - small amount of pain on these
20 Rope climbs 

I was very sore the next day and shoulder was in a lot of pain. Monday the pain was gone. Had a little regret doing that workout but felt I needed to bond a little with the new gym. 

PM: skipped


Friday- Aerobic/Shoulder Warm Up + Snatch Tech + Squat + UB Strength
3 rounds not for time:
20 Cal Bike
100’ Single Arm OH DB Carry, tough weight
150’ Heavy Single Arm Farmer’s Carry
A. Muscle Snatch, build to 8RM
B. Back Squat w/ Chains, 5 x 4, rest 2 min **try to get chains set up to where heavy chains are bottom half and top half is just connector.  So whenyou get to bottom of squat only 1-3 heavy links are still off the ground but the rest are on the ground.  When standing, 1-2 links should be on the ground.
C1. Pendlay Row @ 21X1, 5 x 12, rest 2 min
C2. DB Bench Press @ 21X1, 5 x 12, rest 2 min

Warm up done 

A. 135# - a small amount of pain in shoulder. Improved from last week tho

B. Done @ 315#

C1. done with 135# that got tough 
C2. Done with 50#