Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Thursday Rest Day

Wednesday 10/29 Training

Wednesday- Oly EMOM + MAP Musc End
8 min EMOM
5 TnG Power Snatch @ 155#
5 sets @ high effort
10 Toes to Bar
10 Double KB Front Squats, 53#/hand
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 24”
20 KB Swings, 53#
rest 3 min

A. Done
B. 2:54/3:04/3:07/3:19/4:23 - Died on the last round. Was real slow on the burpee box jumps.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Tuesday 10/28 Training

Tuesday- IGT
3 sets @ high effort
5 Unbroken Ring Muscle Ups
Run 400m
rest 2 min b/w sets
3 sets @ high effort
10 GH Sit Ups
Row 500m
rest 2 min b/w sets
3 rounds not for time:
1 Strict Press @ 80%1RM
7 Strict HSPU’s
2 Bar Muscle Ups
7 CTB Pull Ups
50 Double Unders
rest 1 min

A, 2:13/2:14/2:43 - MUs all unbroken.
B. 2:55/2:53/2:44
C. Felt really tired and kinda dizzy, so skipped this. Don't think I ate enough carbs.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Monday 10/27 Training

Monday- Oly Int Power + Bending Vol + LP
A. Power Snatch Cluster- 1.1 x 3 sets, all tough sets
B. Power Clean.Clean.Front Squat, 1.1.1, build to a tough set, TnG on Power Clean
C. Dead Lift, build to a tough double, not 2RM, drop from the top
D. Dead Lift- 1 x 20 reps TnG @ 290#
Air Bike
28 sec ALL OUT, rest 3:02 x 4

A. 225#
B. 255#
C. 385#
D. Done - These felt heavier because I went heavier on the first parts.
E. Done

Saturday 10/25 Training

Saturday- MAP Varied
5 sets @ 85%, consistent aerobic effort
Row 500m
20 Wall Ball, 20#
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 24”
12 Toes to Bar
rest 5 min b/w sets
**Note individual times, change order every time through

Row 500m
20 Wall Ball, 20#
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 24”
12 Toes to Bar
Time: 4:41

12 T2B
10 Burpees BJ
20 WB
500m Row

20 WB
10 Burpee BJ
12 T2B
500m row
Time: 4:33

10 Burpee BJ
500m row
20 WB
12 T2B
Time: 5:01

20 WB
12 T2B
500m row
10 Burpee BJ
Time: 4:30

Friday, October 24, 2014

Friday 10/24 Training

Friday- Oly Int + Bending/Pressing EMOM + Aerobic Test
A. Snatch Pull.Snatch.OHS, 1.1.1, build to a tough set
14 min EMOM
1st- 12 KB Swings 70#
2nd- 8 Clapping HSPU's
3 rounds for time:
Row 500m
100 Double Unders

A, 215#
B. Done - Tried clapping HSPU couldn't get it. lol
C. 14:46 - DUs were terrible took 3min to get 100 DUs.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Wednesday 10/22 Training

Wednesday- Oly EMOM + MAP Musc End
10 min EMOM
4 TnG Power Snatch @ 155#
5 sets @ high effort
20 Wall Ball, 20#
20 Pull Ups
20 Box Jumps, 24"
**on a 3 min running clock
**if it takes you 2 min for the work, you get 1 min rest, terminate workout if you don’t get done within the 3 min mark

A. Done - last two rounds got a little difficult
B. 2:21/2:34/3:08 - A little upset I missed this time cutoff. I jumped down @ 14 pull ups and could have gone UB. Want to do this again.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Tuesday 10/21 Training

Tuesday- IGT
3 sets @ high effort
5 Unbroken Ring Muscle Ups
Run 400m
rest 2 min b/w sets
3 sets @ high effort
10 Unbroken Toes to Bar
Row 500m
rest 2 min b/w sets
3 rounds not for time:
7 Strict HSPU's
7 CTB Pull Ups
10 Box Jumps, 24” rebound

A. 2:21/2:37/2:34 Last set of MUs 4/1.
B. 2:21/2:19/2:25
C. Done

Monday, October 20, 2014

Monday 10/20 Training

Monday- Oly Int Power + Bending Vol + LP
A. Power Snatch Cluster- 1.1.1 x 3 sets, all tough sets
B. Power Clean.Front Squat, 2.2, build to a tough set, TnG on Power Clean
C. Dead Lift TnG, build to a tough triple, not 3RM
D. Dead Lift- 1 x 20 reps TnG @ 290#
Air Bike
25 sec ALL OUT, rest 2:35 x 4

A. 195#
B. 225#
C. 375#
D. Done - last 5 reps got heavy, but back is feeling strong
E. Done

Sunday Rest Day

Recovery airdyne
10 sets
30sec Z1
rest 1:30

Saturday 10/18 Training

Saturday- MAP Varied
5 sets @ 85%, consistent aerobic effort
Row 500m
7 CTB Pull Ups
15 Box Jumps, 30” step down
21 KB Swings, 53#
30 Double Unders
rest 5 min b/w sets
**Note individual times, change order every time through

Row 500m
7 CTB Pull Ups
15 Box Jumps, 30” step down
21 KB Swings, 53#
30 Double Unders

30 DUs
21 KBS
15 Box Jumps
500m Row
Time: 4:25

15 Box Jumps
30 DUs
21 KBS
500m Row

15 Box Jumps
500m Row
30 DUs
Time: 4:56

7 C2B
30 DUs
500m Row
21 KBS
15 Box Jumps
Time: 4:40

Friday, October 17, 2014

Friday 10/17 Training

Friday- Oly Int + Bending/Pressing EMOM + Aerobic Test
A. Snatch Pull.Snatch.OHS, 2.1.1, build to a tough set
Hit 205.
14 min EMOM - Done
1st- 8 Dead Lifts, 225# TnG
2nd- 8 Strict HSPU's
3 rounds for time:
30 Cal Row
30 Burpees, touch 6” above reach
Time: 13:13 Tried to hit a 4min per round.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Wednesday 10/15 Training

Wednesday- Oly EMOM + MAP Musc End
10 min EMOM
3 TnG Power Snatch @ 155#
5 sets @ high effort
20 Over Head Squats, 75#
20 Box Jumps, 24” step down
20 Burpees over Bar laterally
70 Double Unders
rest 4 min b/w sets

A. Done last two rounds got a little tough. Video is of the last round.

B. 4:33/4:20/5:46/5:52/6:46 
Thought the OHS were @ 95#, so I did this @ 95#...
DUs weren't hitting. No rhythm. Quads!!! Quads on fire and couldn't jump. Had to use my arms to get momentum onto the box.

Wednesday 10/15 Training

Wednesday- Oly EMOM + MAP Musc End
10 min EMOM
3 TnG Power Snatch @ 155#
5 sets @ high effort
20 Over Head Squats, 75#
20 Box Jumps, 24” step down
20 Burpees over Bar laterally
70 Double Unders
rest 4 min b/w sets

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Tuesday 10/14 Training

Tuesday- IGT
3 sets @ high effort
5 Unbroken Ring Muscle Ups
Run 400m
rest 2 min b/w sets
2:20/2:45/3:30 - Dropped on the last set of MUs did 3 and 2.
3 sets @ high effort
3 Burpee Bar Muscle Ups
Row 500m
rest 2 min b/w sets
2:49/2:50/2:41 - I did better with the MUs when I could get a big walking kip. Row @ 1:50 pace and below.
3 rounds not for time:
7 Strict HSPU's
10 GH Sit Ups
10 Box Jumps, 24” rebound

Monday, October 13, 2014

Monday 10/13 Training

Oly Int Power + Bending Vol + LP
A. Power Snatch Cluster- x 3 sets, all tough sets
B. Power Clean.Hang Clean.Front Squat, build to a tough set **Always assume full squat unless Power is noted
C. Dead Lift Cluster, 1.1, build to a tough set dropping it from the top  **Not 2RM
D. Dead Lift- 1 x 20 reps TnG @ 285#
Air Bike
23 sec ALL OUT, rest 2:37 x 4

A.185#/195#/205# - Missed last rep

B. 245# - felt good

C. 345#

D. Done - this got hairy around 16reps

E. Done - Felt better this week.

Sunday 10/12 Crossfit Team Series

Complete as many reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
Each athlete performs as a relay:
9 burpee box jumps, 20 inches
9 squat cleans, 155 / 105 lb.
Then, each athlete performs as a relay:
12 burpee box jumps, 20 inches
12 squat cleans, 155 / 105 lb.
Then, each athlete performs as a relay:
15 burpee box jumps, 20 inches
15 squat cleans, 155 / 105 lb.
Etc., adding 3 reps to each exercise, each round

This one hurt some. Got through the round of 15 took about 2mins on that round. Didn't look at my time on the other rounds.

For time:
100 double-unders each, as a relay
100 front squats total, 115 / 75 lb.
100 push presses total, 115 / 75 lb.
75 double-unders each, as a relay
75 front squats total, 115 / 75 lb.
75 push presses total, 115 / 75 lb.
50 double-unders each, as a relay
50 front squats total, 115 / 75 lb.
50 push presses total, 115 / 75 lb.

This one was fun. Our team time was 20:03. I did the 100 DUs in 2 sets 75/25. Struggled a little on the 50 DUs. Overall this one was the most fun.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Friday Training 10/10 Crossfit Team Series

 Max reps chest-to-bar pull-ups, 2 sets with 1min rest between sets
Set 1 - 30 reps
Set 2 - 15 reps
135-lb. snatches, 20 reps
155-lb. snatches, 20 reps
185-lb. snatches, 20 reps
205-lb. snatches, 20 reps
225-lb. snatches, 20 reps
245-lb. snatches, max reps
Did TnG on the 135 & 185 felt good. Went to singles on the 185.
Did sets of 5 with my partner. Got to 205# and did 8 @ 205# - 38 reps

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Thursday 10/9 Rest

Wednesday 10/8 Training

10 min EMOM
3 TnG Power Snatch @ 145#
5 sets @ high effort
25 Unbroken Wall Ball, 20#
20 Unbroken KB Swings, 70#
15 CTB Pull Ups
75 Double Unders
rest 4 min b/w sets

A. Done wasn't that bad
B. This was rough. Grip gave out and couldn't hold on for the C2B, did sets of two. Unbroken on the wall balls and KBS.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Tuesday 10/8 Training

3 sets @ high effort
3 Unbroken Muscle Ups
7 CTB Pull Ups
Run 400m
rest 2 min b/w sets
3 sets @ high effort
3 Unbroken Bar Muscle Ups
7 Kipping Deficit HSPU’s unbroken
Row 500m
rest 2 min b/w sets
3 rounds not for time:
7 Ring Dips
14 Toes to Bar
21 Double Unders

A. 2:11/2:40/4:00
I hate running! Kinda afraid to say that because you will probably program more running.  Unbroken on all sets MUs and C2B.

First set of MUs were unbroken and then couldn't go unbroken. Last round was singles. Unbroken on all HSPU, used two 45s for the deficit.

C. Done

Didn't feel good at all. Feel like I'm getting a cold.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Monday 10/6 Training

Monday- Oly Int Power + Bending Vol + LP
A. Power Snatch Cluster- x 3 sets, all tough sets
B. Power Clean, build to a 3RM TnG
C. Dead Lift Cluster, 1.1.1, build to a tough set dropping it from the top
D. Dead Lift- 1 x 20 reps TnG @ 275#
Air Bike
20 sec ALL OUT, rest 2:40 x 4

A. 175/185/195 This was harder than I thought. Lower back got tight.

B. 245# This again harder than I thought.

C. 365# Lower back started to round so I stopped there.

D. Done. The last 5 reps were a little spicy.

Air Bike - Done, At first I saw this and thought that it would be easy because of the rest...yeah not so much.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Saturday 10/4 Training

500m Row
12 T2B
15 WB
18 KBS
21 Box Jump

500m Row
21 Box Jumps
18 KBS
12 T2B
15 WB
Time: 5:47

21 Box Jumps
12 T2B
15 WB
18 KBS
500m Row
Time: 6:04

18 KBS
15 WB
500m Row
12 T2B
21 Box Jumps

15 WB
12 T2B
21 Box Jumps
500m Row
18 KBS
Time: 5:49

Friday, October 3, 2014

Friday 10/3 Training

A. Snatch Pull.Power Snatch.Snatch Balance, 1.1.2, build to a tough set (1 snatch pull + 1 power snatch + 2 snatch balance)
14 min EMOM
1st- 3 Dead Lifts, 315# TnG
2nd- 5 Deficit Strict HSPU’s (tough deficit for 5)
3 rounds for time:
Row 500m
100 Double Unders

A. Worked up to 185#

B. Done with 4' deficit. Went to a 3' deficit for the last round.

C. 13:28

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Wednesday 10/1 Training

A little update on whats going on the past day. On Tuesday as I was leaving the box my fiance called and said she was broken down at the HEB, so I get in the car and drive over to her. Turns out the alternator wasn't working and the battery was dead and the car had no power. At first I thought I would change the alternator in the parking lot of HEB, but saner heads prevailed and I called my dad to come tow it to the mechanic.  The mechanic that I use is about 10 miles away and we were towing with a chain while I steered the car. Long story short we got on the freeway and the chain fell off right as we were going up the on ramp to 610 and I10 (which is the worst spot to stop). At this point I'm at little worried I'm gonna get hit by a car, because there is no shoulder, no lights, and people are speeding around the bend. So, I get out of the car and turn on the light on my phone and try to flash people away as I wait for my dad to turn around. At one point a police officer drove by and flashed his lights and kept going. I guess that was his way of asking if I was ok? Finally my dad gets back to me and we make it to the mechanic in one piece. On our way home as we get off the freeway we happen upon a chevy silverado in flames. We stopped to make sure the driver was ok and asked if we could help. Turns out that he ran over something and it caught fire somehow. He ended up ok. The truck not so much. If that wasn't enough, about 2min from our apartment a pack of bikers come flying past us and scared us half to death. At this point my fiance and I look at each other and say "this isn't our night". We made it home safe and sound around 11:30. I didn't get to bed til midnight and woke up at 4:30 to coach the 5am and 6am classes and then went to work. So, I was running on about 4 1/2 hours of sleep all day. I did get a 30min nap in my car at lunch. Sorry if that was a little long I tried to keep to the main points. Needless to say can't wait for Friday. lol

A. Dead lift @ 30X1, build to 3rm at tempo
Hit 405# with good form. Bumped up to 425# and form went out the door.
10 rounds for time
4 burpees
6 kb swings 70#
8 wall ball 20#-10'
Time: 11:26
Back got a little tight with the KBS, but nothing that would slow me down. Fatigue set in about round 4-5 and I just push through and tried to not break any reps up. Shoulders got fatigued on the wall balls, but again the reps weren't that high and I was able to push through unbroken. Breathing was a limiter. Hard to catch my breath.