Wednesday, July 27, 2016


A. All done @245#
B. 15:10
Running was the worst part.


Tuesday- Threshold Row + LP + UB Endurance Strict Gymnastics
3 sets
Row 3 min @ 2k pace
Rest 30 sec
Row 30 sec @ max effort
Rest 3 min
14 min EMOM
1st- 1 L-sit Rope Climb up and down
2nd- 5-10 Strict HSPU’s **shoot for higher # each time

3 sets - Done
That was a little tough

- L-sits RC are very tough. I could only get about 5ft up the rope and then was only able to do 9min with the rope climbs. 
- HSPU felt goodish. 10/10/8/8/8/8/8

Monday, July 25, 2016


Sunday- Mixed Aerobic + Skill
45 min @ 70% MAS score (mix run, assault bike, row as desired)
15 min EMOM
1st- 20 sec Chin Over Bar Hold
2nd- 20-30 sec Bottom of Ring Dip Hold
3rd- 20-30 sec Ring Support hold

45min - Done

EMOM - Done. Feeling strong on the rings again. Chin over bar hold was very tough. Upper body was very sore today. 


Saturday- A.M. Bike Intervals + Test P.M. UB Density Sport + LP
Row 4 min @ 2k pace
Rest 3 min
Row 3 min @ 2k pace
Rest 2 min
Row 1 min @ 2k pace, rest 30 sec x 4
Rest 2 min
For time:
Wallball, 20#

16 min EMOM
1st- 10-12 CTB Pull Ups
2nd- 10-12 Kipping HSPU’s @ 3.5” deficit **shoot for highest # possible
Sled Push Heavy, 6 x 15 sec sprints, rest 2:45 **moderately heavy, fast turnover

Rowing done. 
WBs & Burpees

Also tried some strict MUs and was able to hit 4 singles in about 5min. They're feeling better. Not sure that they would meet regional standards but its progress. 


16min EMOM
1st: 10/10/10/9/9/9/9/9
2nd: 10/10/10/10/10/10/10/10

Sled push - Done with 2 45# plates. 


Friday- Snatch Density Heavy + Squat Endurance + UB Strength Endurance
A. Squat Snatch, 4 x 10 TnG, rest 2-3 min **start light and move well, build as you feel comfortable
B. Front Squat @ 70X1, 4 x 7, rest 3 min
C1. Supinated Grip Pendlay Row @ 20X2, 4 x 6-8, rest 30 sec
C2. Strict Pull Ups, 4 x AMRAP unbroken, rest 30 sec
C3. Strict Ring Dips @ 40X1, 4 x 4-5, rest 30 sec
C4. Lying Tricep Extensions w/ Barbell, 4, x 12, rest 60 sec

A. Done @ 115/115/115/135 
B. 185/185/205/205 Dang those were tough. 

C1. 135/135/155/155
C2. 7/6/6/5
C3. 10/11/9/7
C4. Done

Thursday, July 21, 2016


Wednesday- Squat/Pull Strength + Bend Push Strength + Core
A1. Front Squat, build to 1RM
A2. Wtd Pull up, build to 1RM
B. Front Squat @ 85%, 1 x max reps
C. Strict Pull Up, 1 x max unbroken
D. Wtd Ring Dip, build to 1RM
E. Strict Ring Dip, 1 x max unbroken
10 sets
30 sec Run @ threshold pace (1 mile PR pace)
30 sec walk briskly

A1. 355# Knees and shins were hurting today. A lot of squats this week. Need ice bath. 
A2. 75# BW - 213#

B. 7 @ 300#
C. 12
D. 70#
E. 17

10sets done - running doesnt feel good at the moment. 


Tuesday- Aerobic w/ Anaerobic mixed
20 min AMRAP
10 rounds for time:
3 Power Snatch, 135#
15 Wallball, 20#
***record time for 10 rounds and continue into…
AMRAP in remaining time:
1 Clean & Jerk, 135#
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats
2 Cl&J, 135#
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats
Etc… **continue adding 1 rep to Cl&J each round

10 rounds
12:30ish. Forgot the exact seconds 
Went UB on WBs for 7 rounds and then broke to 5s
3+9push ups on 4th round 


Monday- Clean & Jerk + Oly Density + Press/Bend + Pull/Squat
A. Clean & Jerk, build to 1RM in 12 min
B. Squat Clean & Jerk @ 70%, 30 reps for time:
C. Good Morning @ 2010, 2 x 10, rest 1 min **should be able to do 135 or more on these
1500m Row warm up, increase speed every 250m
Rest 4-5 min
2k Row TT
**record avg pace/500m
Ending HR

A. 345# 
B. 11:45 @ 240#
C. 155# Felt way better this week. Using the curl the big toe to activate my hammies and glute. 

Warm up done

2k row 
Time: 7:05
Forgot to wear my HR monitor 
A little different strategy used this week. Started off hard and tried to hold a 1:46m/500m throughout. Still getting stuck on that last 500m. Quads just burn and the meters just dont move. 


3 rounds for time:
Run 400m
21 KB Swings, 53#
12 Pull Ups

Missed this week. 

Monday, July 18, 2016


Saturday- A.M. BIke + Mixed P.M. UB Strength
MAS Bike Test-
5 min warm up increasing speed every minute + any necessary stretching
3 x 10 sec MAX EFFORT, rest 3 min **record max pace in watts, RPM, speed- whatever available
6 min Bike TT
**record Max Cals
**Ending HR
**HRR (HR after 1 min standing rest)
Rest as needed
5 sets of 1 min @ 100% 6 min TT pace, 1 min @ 50%

50 Strict HSPU’s for time:
Rest as needed
For time:
10 Legless Rope Climbs


Its hard to see what my max RPM is when I'm going all out but I saw 115RPM.

6min Bike 
111 Cals 
Pace Avg 65RPM
HRR 140
Ending HR 176

HSPU 9:48

10 Legless - 13:43


Friday- Snatch Density Heavy + Squat Strength + Squat Endurance Testing
A. Squat Snatch, build to tough single for day in 15 min **1RM if feeling good
B. Squat Snatch- 30 @ 70% for time **2 sec pause in catch of each one
Rest as needed
30 Muscle Ups for time:
Rest as needed
Toes to Bar-  40 sec AMRAP, 40 sec rest, 40 sec AMRAP

A. 265#. Tried for 275# multiple times but kept missing it forward. 275# is definitely there.  
B. Done @ 185#. 9:54. this is kinda sucked nut legs felt fine. Just lower back was a little tight. 
C. 7:25 - Went out with 5/4 and then 3s. Failed a few reps around the 25th rep. My technique went down the drain around 12-15th rep. The last 15reps were almost all strict. Need to focus on getting my feet higher and pop my hips more.  

Toes2Bar: 23/17

Thursday, July 14, 2016


Wednesday- Squat/Pull Strength + Bend Push Strength + Core
A1. Overhead squat @ 33X1, 4 x 3, rest 60 sec
A2. Towel L-sit Pull Ups, 4 x 4-6 reps, rest 2 min
B1. Snatch High Pull @ 20X1, 4 x 5, rest 60 sec **pull to nipple line, don’t go too heavy to where you can’t get it this high
B2. Wtd Ring Dips @ 33X1, 4 x 5, rest 2 min
15 min EMOM
1st- 10-30 sec Bottom of Ring Hold
2nd- 20-30 sec Hollow Hold
3rd- 15-20 Hip Extensions.

A1. 225/255/265/285. Happy with that. 
A2. Done

B1. 135/165/185/215
B2. 35/26/26/26

EMOM - Done


Tuesday- Aerobic w/ Anaerobic mixed
40 min EMOM
1st- 10 Burpees + easy bike…
2nd- 35 Double Unders + easy bike…
3rd- 3 Wall Walks + easy bike....
4th- 10 Box Jumps, 30” step down + easy bike…
5th- 16 Wallball, 20# + easy bike….
6th- 3 Deadlifts @ 87% of 3RM + rest

Done. This was a lttile tougher this week. 
DL was @ 325#


Monday- Clean & Jerk + Oly Density + Press/Bend + Pull/Squat
A. Clean + Power Jerk, build to tough complex in 12 min
B. 5 Power Clean to OH every min for 10 min **start @ 145 & build if possible
C1. Good Morning @ 2010, 3 x 10, rest 1 min **should be able to do 135 or more on these
C2. Incline DB Press @ 20X2, 3 x 12, rest 90 sec
16 min EMOM
1st- 4 Front Rack Lunges + 2 Front Squats @ 185-205#
2nd- 1-2 Rope Climbs **legless if possible

A. 315# PR was planning on going that high but I felt good so went for it. 

B. 5min @ 145#. 5min @ 155#.

C1. Done @165# 
*So after listening to barbell shrugged this week I realized that I have been lifting my big toes and not activating my glute on these and as a result I have felt my low back tighten up and even give out at the bottom of the good morning. So correction this wee will be to curl my big toe and activate the glute firtst. 
C2. 50# on all sets

EMOM - Done 


Run/Row mixed
3 sets
4 min @ 100% MAS (2k pace or mile pace)
Rest 3 min
**alternate back and forth, 2 on rower, 2 running

This is hard to maintain. Was only able to maintain 2k pace on rower for about 2min and then dropped.  

15 min EMOM
1- 20 sec Max Distance HS Walk
2- 20-40 sec Hollow Hold

3- 10 Alt Pistols, slight pause in the bottom


Saturday- A.M. BIke + Mixed P.M. UB Strength
3 sets 3 min Bike @ 100% 6 min Bike pace, easy spin 2 min
4 sets
60 sec 15 Power/Muscle Snatch, 75# + Wallball in remaining time
60 sec rest
60 sec Double Unders
60 sec rest
60 sec Burpee Box Jumps, 24”
60 sec rest

A1. Single Arm KB Press, 5 x 4-8 reps, rest 60 sec
A2. Rope Climb, 5 x 1 legless + 1 w/ legs, rest 2 min
B1. DB Arnold Press @ 20X1, 3 x 10-12, rest 60 sec **sae weight
B2. Supinated Grip Pendlay Row @ 11X1, 3 x 5, rest 2 min
8 min AMRAP
30 Muscle Ups
40 HSPU’s
50 Toes to Bar

A. Done - Last round was tough to hold.

4 Sets 
I died on the last round. Felt weird. Think I slept too much. 

A1. 45# on all sets
A2. Done

B1. 50# on all sets 
B2. 155/155/165

C. 17 HSPU 
Finished the MUs around 6:30. Did a set of 5 off the bat and then went to 3s all the way through. 


Friday- Snatch Density Heavy + Squat Strength + Squat Endurance Testing
A. Squat Snatch (Below Knee), build to tough single for day in 10 min
B. 1 Squat Snatch/45 sec @ 80-90% of A for 15 reps **every 45 sec, not every minute
C. Back Squat @ 12X1, build to tough single in 12 min
For time:
40 Alt Step Ups, 24”
30 Alt Step Ups, 24”- 25# DB each hand
20 Alt Step Ups, 24”- 45# DB each hand

A. 245# missed 255# 3 times
B. 7 reps @ 195#. 8 reps @ 205#
C. Worked up to 445#. Felt good. 

D. 6:53 - This wasn't that bad. 

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Missed Tuesday and Wednesday :(

Tuesday- Aerobic w/ Anaerobic mixed
40 min EMOM
1st- 9 Burpees + easy bike…
2nd- 35 Double Unders + easy bike…
3rd- 3 Wall Walks + easy bike....
4th- 9 Box Jumps, 30” step down + easy bike…
5th- 14 Wallball, 20# + easy bike….
6th- 3 Deadlifts @ 85% of 3RM + rest

Wednesday- Squat/Pull Strength + Bend Push Strength + Core
A1. Overhead squat @ 33X1, 4 x 4, rest 60 sec
A2. Towel L-sit Pull Ups, 4 x 4-6 reps, rest 2 min
B1. Snatch High Pull @ 20X1, 4 x 5, rest 60 sec **pull to nipple line, don’t go too heavy to where you can’t get it this high
B2. Wtd Ring Dips @ 33X1, 4 x 5, rest 2 min
15 min EMOM
1st- 10-30 sec Bottom of Ring Hold
2nd- 20-30 sec Hollow Hold
3rd- 15-20 Hip Extensions

Missed Tuesday and Wednesday - Work has been busy and wasn't able to make it to the gym. 


Monday- Clean & Jerk + Oly Density + Press/Bend + Pull/Squat
A. Power Clean + Clean + 2 Jerks, build to tough complex in 12 min **drop each clean
B. 5 Power Clean to OH every min for 10 min **start @ 135 & build if possible
C1. Good Morning @ 2010, 3 x 10, rest 1 min **should be able to do 135 or more on these
C2. Incline DB Press @ 20X2, 3 x 12, rest 90 sec
16 min EMOM
1st- 6 Front Rack Lunges + 4 Front Squats @ 155#
2nd- 1-2 Rope Climbs **legless if possible

A. Worked up to 285# but failed the 2nd jerk 
B. 4min at 135#/3min @ 155/3min @ 165
C1. Done @ 155#
C2. 50#

EMOM - Done 1 legless every min for 10min and then used legs


Run/Row mixed
3 sets
4 min @ 100% MAS (2k pace or mile pace)
Rest 4 min
**alternate back and forth, 2 on rower, 2 running
15 min EMOM
1- 20 sec Max Distance HS Walk
2- 20-40 sec Hollow Hold
3- 10 Alt Pistols, slight pause in the bottom



Saturday- A.M. BIke + Mixed P.M. UB Strength
3 sets 3 min Bike @ 100% 6 min Bike pace, easy spin 2 min
4 sets
60 sec 15 KB Swings, 70# + Wallball in remaining time
60 sec rest
60 sec Double Unders
60 sec rest
60 sec Burpee Box Jumps, 30”
60 sec rest

A1. Single Arm KB Press, 5 x 4-6 reps, rest 60 sec
A2. Rope Climb, 5 x 1 legless + 1 w/ legs, rest 2 min
B1. DB Arnold Press @ 20X1, 3 x 8-10, rest 60 sec
B2. Supinated Grip Pendlay Row @ 11X1, 3 x 8, rest 2 min
8 min AMRAP
2 Muscle Ups
4 Ring Dips
6 CTB Pull Ups
8 Toes to Bar


3 sets done - Those hurt 



A1. Done @ 45#
A2. Done

B1. Done @ 50#
B2. Done @ 155#

8min AMRAP


Friday- Snatch Density Heavy + Squat Strength + Squat Endurance Testing
A. 2-Position Snatch (high hang, Below Knee), build to tough single for day in 10 min
B. 1 Squat Snatch/45 sec @ 80-90% of A for 15 reps
C. Back Squat, build to tough triple in 12 min
For time:
30 Overhead Squats, 155#
30 Front Squats, 155#
30 Back Squats, 155#

A. 235# Felt good
B. Started at 185 for 6min,195 for 6min,205 for 3min, 215 for 5min. 
*I felt really good on these so decided to go for 20min 
C. 385#
D. 8:37 