Wednesday, August 31, 2016


Monday- Squat Int  + Oly Density + UB Density CP + SL Endurance
A. Back Squat, build to tough single w/ 2 sec pause in 12 min, then drop 20% for 3 x 5 (increase load if it feels good, no pause)
12 min EMOM
1st- 10 Bench Press @ lighter than last week
2nd- 8 CTB Pull Ups + 8 Toes to Bar 
3 sets @ 97% effort
7 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 24”
15 sec Bike Sprint
7 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 24”
25 sec Bike Sprint
Rest 6 min b/w sets

A. 425

1st - 185/185/155 the rest of the way 
2nd - Done

3 sets: 2:03/1:59/1:50


Power Clean, 135#
CTB Pull Ups
Thrusters, 95#
GH Sit Ups
14 min EMOM
1st- 5 Muscle Ups
2nd- Row 15 Cals

Time: 11:25

EMOM - Done. Only did 10 cals b/c I dont think I could have finish at 15cals. 


Saturday- A.M. Bike Intervals + Test P.M. UB Density Sport + LP
3 sets of:
6 x 30 sec Bike @ 6 min TT pace, rest 30 sec
Rest 1 min
6 x 30 sec Row @ 2k pace, rest 30 sec
Rest 3 min
Sled Push Heavy, 6 x 15 sec sprints, rest 2:45 **moderately heavy, fast turnover

Power Clean, 135#
CTB Pull Ups
Thrusters, 95#
GH Sit Ups
14 min EMOM
1st- 5 Muscle Ups
2nd- Row 15 Cals


3 Sets:
Bike - 70rpm
Row - 1:46/500m

Sled push - done with 3 45s


Wasn't able to do the PM. Did it on Sunday instead 


Friday- Snatch Density Heavy + Squat Endurance + UB Strength Endurance
A. Squat Snatch, 4 x 12 TnG, rest 2-3 min **start @ 115# and build if moving well and feel good.
B. Front Squat @ 11X1, 4 x 3, rest 3 min
C. Strict Pull Ups, 3 x AMRAP unbroken, rest 90 sec
D1. Strict Ring Dips @ 20X1, 3 x 3 reps, rest 15 sec **add weight **note change in tempo
D2. Strict HSPU’s (5” deficit) @ 20X1, 3 x 3-5 unbroken, rest 15 sec
D3. Clapping Push Ups, 3 x AMRAP in 20 sec, rest 2 min
4 sets on a 3 min running clock
12 Toes to Bar
15 Wallball, 30#
200m Run

A. 115/135/135/145
B. 275/315/345/355 failed 2nd rep 
C. 11/10/7

D1. Done @ 55#
D2. 3 unbroken 
D3. 10/9/8

4 sets: 2:03/2:00/2:03

Thursday, August 25, 2016


Wednesday- Deadlift Endurance + Tester
A. Deadlift @ 295 across, 1 x 20 reps, then 3 x 10 reps, rest 3-4 min
2 rounds for time:
Run 800m
4 x (5 HSPU’s, 10 Pistols, 15 CTB Pull-Ups)

A. 315# across 

2 rds: 26:54 - I thought this would be a 15min workout. I was wrong. Runs were less than 4min each. The pistols were the worst part. C2B were sets of 5. 


Tuesday- Threshold Row + LP + UB Endurance Strict Gymnastics
3 sets
Row 3:30 min @ 2-5 sec Slower than 2k pace
Rest 30 sec
Row 35 sec @ max effort
Rest 3 min
14 min EMOM
1st- 1 Rope Climb Legless up, L-sit coming down **switch to just rope climbs if you reach failure
2nd- 10 Shoulder to Overhead, 155#

Row - Done @ 1:49/500m

EMOM - Done


Monday- Squat Int  + Oly Density + UB Density CP + SL Endurance
A. Back Squat, build to tough double in 12 min, then drop 20% for 3 x 5 (increase load if it feels good)
B. Squat Clean, 5 x 10 TnG, start moderate/light and focus on speed and efficiency.  Focus on movement quality
12 min EMOM
1st- 8 Bench Press @ lighter than last week
2nd- 7 CTB Pull Ups + 7 Toes to Bar
3 rounds for time:
Row 500m
20 Steps Double KB Front Rack Walking Lunges, 53#/H

A. 425# Felt heavy this week. 3x5 @ 345
B. 135/155/155/155/155

EMOM - Done
1st - 185#
2nd - Done All unbroken 

3 rounds - Done 12:06


Sunday- Mixed Aerobic + Skill
Row 10 min @ 80-90% of MAS
Rest 2 min
Bike 10 min @ 80-90% of MAS
Rest 2 min
Run 10 min @ 80-90% of MAS
Rest 2 min
Row 10 min @ 80-90% of MAS
15 min EMOM
1st- 20 sec Chin Over Bar Hold w/ L-sit
2nd- 20-30 sec Bottom of Ring Dip Hold
3rd- 20-30 sec Ring Support hold



Saturday- A.M. Bike Intervals + Test P.M. UB Density Sport + LP

4 sets on a 3 min running clock
6 Bar-Muscle Ups
12 Power Snatch, 95#
200m Run

3 sets of:
6 x 30 sec Bike @ 6 min TT pace, rest 30 sec
Rest 1 min
6 x 30 sec Row @ 2k pace, rest 30 sec
Rest 1 min
For time:
10 rounds for time:
5 Toes to Bar
10 Wallball, 20#
25 Double Unders

4 sets Done
I had to do every 4min b/c someone decided to use my bar in the middle of my workout.

Bike 68RPM
Row 1:46/500m
10 rounds for time: 12:40


Friday- Snatch Density Heavy + Squat Endurance + UB Strength Endurance
A. Squat Snatch, 4 x 7 TnG, rest 2-3 min **start @ 155# and build if moving well and feel good.
B. Front Squat @ 15X1, 4 x 4, rest 3 min
C. Strict Pull Ups, 3 x AMRAP unbroken, rest 90 sec
D1. Strict Ring Dips @ 20X1, 3 x 3 reps, rest 15 sec **add weight **note change in tempo
D2. Strict HSPU’s (3” deficit) @ 20X1, 3 x AMRAP unbroken, rest 2 min
4 sets on a 3 min running clock
6 Bar-Muscle Ups
12 Power Snatch, 95#
200m Run

A. 155/165/175/175
B. 225/275/285/285
C. 11/10/7

D1. 52#
D2. 16/15/14

4 sets skipped to Saturday. 

Thursday, August 18, 2016


Wanted to do some running so I did a Henshaw workout. It was tougher than I thought it would be. 

Run 5min out 
50sec rest
Run 5min back
50sec rest 
Run 4min out
40sec rest 
Run 4min back 
40sec rest 
Run 3min out 
30sec rest 
Run 3min back 
Run 2min out 
20 sec rest 
Run 2min back 
20sec rest 
Run 1min out
10sec rest 
Run 1min back 


Wednesday- Deadlift Endurance + Tester
A. Deadlift @ 60-62.5%, 1 x 20 reps, then 3 x 10 reps, rest 3-4 min
2 rounds for time:
Run 800m
50 Wallball, 20#
30 Toes to Bar

A. 275/285 on 3x10
B. 18:05
Runs were 4min and 4:28.
WBs were 25/16/9
T2B 10/10/7/3 on last round

Strength is feeling good. Lungs aren't feeling great.


Tuesday- Threshold Row + LP + UB Endurance Strict Gymnastics
3 sets
Row 3:30 min @ 2-5 sec Slower than 2k pace
Rest 30 sec
Row 30 sec @ max effort
Rest 3 min
14 min EMOM
1st- 1 Rope Climb Legless up, L-sit coming down **switch to just rope climbs if you reach failure
2nd- 10 Strict HSPU’s

Row done . Tried to hold a 1:44 pace. The last min is the toughest 

1st - Did L-Sit on all but last one. Started the L-sit down and couldn't hold it. 
2nd - 10 on all rounds. Last few rounds was 8/2 but others were unbroken. 


Monday- Squat Int  + Oly Density + UB Density CP + SL Endurance
A. Back Squat, build to tough triple in 12 min, then drop 20% for 3 x 5 (increase load if it feels good)
B. Squat Clean, 5/min for 5 min 255#.  Focus on movement quality
16 min EMOM
1st- 5 Bench Press @ 2-5% heavier than last week
2nd- 5 Strict Lean Away Pull Ups
Overhead BB Walking Lunges, 4 x 50’ unbroken, rest 90 sec

A. 415#
B. 335/355/365

1st - 205#
2nd - Done Last 3 rounds got tough but overall these are feeling good. 

Gym was to busy and didnt have space to do the lunges so did a 10min run


Sunday- Mixed Aerobic + Skill
45 min @ 70% MAS score (mix run, assault bike, row as desired)
15 min EMOM
1st- 20 sec Chin Over Bar Hold
2nd- 20-30 sec Bottom of Ring Dip Hold
3rd- 20-30 sec Ring Support hold


3 rounds 
5min Row
5min AD
5min Run 


Saturday- A.M. Bike Intervals + Test P.M. UB Density Sport + LP
Row 4 min @ 2 sec faster than 2k pace
Rest 3 min
Row 3 min @ 2 sec faster than 2k pace
Rest 2 min
Row 1 min @ 2 sec faster than 2k pace, rest 30 sec x 4
Rest 2 min
For time:
3 rounds
25 Overhead Squats, 95#
7 Muscle Ups

16 min EMOM
1st- 12 CTB Pull Ups
2nd- 11 Kipping HSPU’s @ 3.5” deficit **shoot for highest # possible
Sled Push Heavy, 6 x 15 sec sprints, rest 2:45 **moderately heavy, fast turnover

Row done. Tried to hold a 1:44pace 
10:29 - Did 16/9 on OHS and 4/3 on MUs. Feeling strong but lungs not there yet. 

EMOM - Done
12 C2B on all 

Sled push skipped


Friday- Snatch Density Heavy + Squat Endurance + UB Strength Endurance
A. Squat Snatch, 5 x 5 TnG, rest 2-3 min **start @ 135# and build if moving well and feel good.
B. Front Squat @ 15X1, 4 x 4, rest 3 min
C1. Supinated Grip Pendlay Row @ 20X2, 3 x 6-8, rest 30 sec
C2. Strict Pull Ups, 3 x AMRAP unbroken, rest 30 sec
C3. Bar-Muscle Ups, 3 x AMRAP Unbroken, rest 2 min
D1. Strict Ring Dips @ 40X1, 3 x 3 reps, rest 30 sec **add weight if possible
D2. Strict HSPU’s (3” deficit) @ 20X1, 3 x AMRAP unbroken, rest 30 sec
D3. Lying Tricep Extensions w/ Barbell, 3 x 12, rest 2 min **add weight if possible

A. 135/155/165/185/195
B. 225/275/285/295

C1. 185/135/135 
C2. 7/7/6
C3. 6/6/5

D1. 44#
D2. 5/4/6
D3. 65#

Wednesday, August 10, 2016


Tuesday- Threshold Row + LP + UB Endurance Strict Gymnastics
3 sets
Row 3:30 min @ 2k +2-5 sec pace
Rest 30 sec
Row 30 sec @ max effort
Rest 3 min
14 min EMOM
1st- 1 Rope Climb Legless up, L-sit coming down **switch to just rope climbs if you reach failure
2nd- 10 Strict HSPU’s

3sets - Done. Hard to hold a 1:43 pace

EMOM - Done. Last 2 rounds of rope climbs were regular rope climbs and last 2 rounds of HSPU only got 8 reps


Monday- Squat Int  + Oly Density + UB Density CP + SL Endurance
A. Back Squat, 3, 3, 2, 2 @ 80-95%, rest 2-3 min
B. Squat Clean, 5/min for 7 min same weight or 2-5% heavier than last week.  Focus on movement quality
16 min EMOM
1st- 5 Bench Press @ 2-5% heavier than last week
2nd- 5 Strict Lean Away Pull Ups
Overhead BB Walking Lunges, 4 x 50’ unbroken, rest 90 sec

A. 365/385/405/425
B.255. I didn't finish. Took a min off at 3min and then did last 3 rounds with 1min rest between. Might have gone to heavy

EMOM - Done

Skipped the lunges had to go the Wife from the car mechanic 


Sunday- Mixed Aerobic + Skill
45 min @ 70% MAS score (mix run, assault bike, row as desired)
15 min EMOM
1st- 20 sec Chin Over Bar Hold
2nd- 20-30 sec Bottom of Ring Dip Hold
3rd- 20-30 sec Ring Support hold

-All done 


Saturday- A.M. Bike Intervals + Test P.M. UB Density Sport + LP
Row 4 min @ 2k pace -2 sec
Rest 3 min
Row 3 min @ 2k pace -2 sec
Rest 2 min
Row 1 min @ 2k pace -2 sec, rest 30 sec x 4
Rest 2 min
For time:
3 rounds for time:
90 Double Unders
15 Deadlifts, 275#
15 Bar-Facing Burpees

16 min EMOM
1st- 12 CTB Pull Ups
2nd- 11 Kipping HSPU’s @ 3.5” deficit **shoot for highest # possible
Sled Push Heavy, 6 x 15 sec sprints, rest 2:45 **moderately heavy, fast turnover

Did a bunch of yard work Saturday morning and then went to train and probably should have taken a nap and then went. Did the AM portion only. 

Rowing - Done. 

Time: 21:00ish
I did the first round and was not feeling good so I just finished at 70% pace. Not a good training day. 


Friday- Snatch Density Heavy + Squat Endurance + UB Strength Endurance
A. Squat Snatch, 4 x 15 TnG, rest 2-3 min **start @ 95# and build if moving well and feel good.
B. Front Squat @ 15X1, 4 x 5, rest 3 min
C1. Supinated Grip Pendlay Row @ 20X2, 3 x 6-8, rest 30 sec
C2. Strict Pull Ups, 3 x AMRAP unbroken, rest 30 sec
C3. Butterfly Chest to Bar, 3 x AMRAP Unbroken, rest 2 min
D1. Strict Ring Dips @ 40X1, 3 x 3 reps, rest 30 sec **add weight if possible
D2. Strict HSPU’s @ 30X2, 3 x AMRAP unbroken, rest 30 sec
D3. Lying Tricep Extensions w/ Barbell, 3 x 12, rest 2 min

A. All @ 95#. I think you found something that I hate more than running

B. 225/245/255/265

C1. 155
C2. 7/7/6
C3. 25/25/23

D1. 26/35/45
D2, 10/11/11
D3. Done

Thursday, August 4, 2016


Wednesday- Deadlift Endurance + Tester
A. Deadlift @ 55%, 1 x 20 reps, then 3 x 10 reps, rest 3-4 min
5 rounds
Run 400m
1 Cl&J, 185#
(2 rounds of Cindy)

A. 265#

B. 21:54
Tried to push on the runs and keep them consistent. 
runs were: 1:52/2:00/2:05/2:08/2:08. Also the 400m at the new gym isn't a true 400m. It's more like 430m. 


Tuesday- Threshold Row + LP + UB Endurance Strict Gymnastics
3 sets
Row 3 min @ 2k pace
Rest 30 sec
Row 30 sec @ max effort
Rest 3 min
14 min EMOM
1st- 1 Rope Climb w/ legs up, L-sit coming down **switch to just rope climbs if you reach failure
2nd- 10 Strict HSPU’s

3sets Done @ 1:46/500m
-Those suck

EMOM - Done. Did L-sit down on all rounds. They got tough.


Monday- Squat Int  + Oly Density + UB Density CP + SL Endurance
A. Back Squat, 3 x 3 @ 80-90%, rest 2-3 min
B. Squat Clean, 3/min for 10 min same weight or 2-5% heavier than last week.  Focus on movement quality
16 min EMOM
1st- 5 Bench Press @ 2-5% heavier than last week
2nd- 5 Strict Lean Away Pull Ups 
Overhead BB Walking Lunges, 4 x 50’ unbroken, rest 90 sec

A. 365/385/405
B. Done @ 265

EMOM - done 

Lunges -skipped 


Sunday- Mixed Aerobic + Skill
45 min @ 70% MAS score (mix run, assault bike, row as desired)
15 min EMOM
1st- 20 sec Chin Over Bar Hold
2nd- 20-30 sec Bottom of Ring Dip Hold
3rd- 20-30 sec Ring Support hold

10min running 
5min rowing
5min AD
5min row
5min AD 
5min run 
5min row 
5min AD

EMOM - Done


Saturday- A.M. Bike Intervals + Test P.M. UB Density Sport + LP
Row 4 min @ 2k pace -2 sec
Rest 3 min
Row 3 min @ 2k pace -2 sec
Rest 2 min
Row 1 min @ 2k pace -2 sec, rest 30 sec x 4
Rest 2 min
For time:
KB Swings, 70#

16 min EMOM
1st- 10 CTB Pull Ups
2nd- 11 Kipping HSPU’s @ 3.5” deficit **shoot for highest # possible
Sled Push Heavy, 6 x 15 sec sprints, rest 2:45 **moderately heavy, fast turnover

Played volleyball for 3hrs 


Rowing done @ 1:48/500

KBS and Burpees: 7:46

EMOM Done 

1st - 11 C2B Mixeed that up with HSPU 
2nd - 10/10/10/10/10/8/8/10

Sled push skipped. 


Friday- Snatch Density Heavy + Squat Endurance + UB Strength Endurance
A. Squat Snatch, 4 x 12 TnG, rest 2-3 min **start light and move well, build as you feel comfortable
B. Front Squat @ 70X1, 4 x 6, rest 3 min
C1. Supinated Grip Pendlay Row @ 20X2, 4 x 6-8, rest 30 sec
C2. Strict Pull Ups, 4 x AMRAP unbroken, rest 30 sec
C3. Strict Ring Dips @ 40X1, 4 x 3 reps, rest 30 sec **add weight if possible
C4. Lying Tricep Extensions w/ Barbell, 4, x 12, rest 60 sec

A. all done @ 95#
B. 185/185/205/205 those are tough

C1. 185#
C2. 7/7/6/6
C4. Done 45#