Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Testing Week

Nov. 6th
A. 255#
B. 185# - only attempted this once. It was bad enough that one time.
C. 6:06 - I lost count and think I did 1 extra round. I think that is a PR tho.
D. 218 Cal. That was a PR. Max HR 184. Avg. HR 176.

Nov. 7th
A. 375# - missed 395# twice
B. 15 + 3kbs - Goal was 15-18rounds. Lungs weren't there.
C. Done

Nov. 9th
A. 315# - Glad to hit this b/c I kept missing it last week. But also feel like I should be hitting higher numbers. I feel like stuff has been off for me since Pensacola. Not as strict with my nutrition as I was and that might be messing with me.
B. 245# for 4 reps. Tried 265# and couldn't make it.
C1. 47 Cals on AD.
C2. 9:05 - Nutrition was off on Sunday and think that hurt me on this. Quads locked.

Nov. 10th
A. 6 - I woke up later and rushed to the gym this morning with very little warm up and did the MUs.
B. 30 - Happy with that.
C. 19:20 - I don't know my split times.
Row - was around 7, Bike was around 4min, Run was around 7min

Nov. 11th
A. 485# - tried 500# but couldn't get it.
B. 205#
C. 8:06 - that killed my grip. did sets of 15 on the DUs after the 1st round.

-Getting back into my nutrition plan and hopefully will start to hit better numbers.

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