Tuesday, June 30, 2015


3 sets @ high effort
1 Legless Rope Climb
Run 400m
1 Rope Climb
5 Unbroken Muscle Ups
rest 2 min b/w sets
3 sets @ high effort
5 Strict Toes to Bar
Row 500m
5 Strict Pull Ups
5 Unbroken Bar Muscle Ups
rest 2 min b/w sets
3 sets @ high effort
90 sec AMRAP
35 Double Unders
7 V-Ups
rest 2 min b/w sets

A. I forgot to get a picture of the white board with my times. The first 2 rounds were quick. Last round of MUs were 3/2. I could have done it unbroken. Don't know why I dropped.
B. Again I couldn't do the bar MUs unbroken. I did 3/2 and then singles on the last set. I don't know why those are giving me trouble when fatigued, b/c I don't feel that they are a weakness.
C. 77/88/104

Monday, June 29, 2015


A1. Seated DB Press @ 30X3, 4-6 reps x 4, rest 1 min
A2. L- Pull Ups, 5 reps x 4, rest 1 min
B. Power Clean, build to a tough 3 TnG
C. Clean w/ heaviest weight from B, 20 reps for time:
Row 20 sec @ 90%
rest 40 sec
x 5

A1. Done @50#
A2. L-Pull Ups - Done - those got a little easier then last week.

B. PC - worked up to 245#
C. Done @ 245# - 4:20

Then had a buddy in town from Ohio. He was doing the granite games qualifier, so I did it with him to push him some. I didn't good hard. I broke everything.

20 min running clock:

6min to establish a 1RM Snatch - 245# Felt really easy.
8min AMRAP
15 C2B
15 T2B
Reps - 270 or 3 rounds total
6min to est. 1RM Snatch - hit 245#. I felt fatigued but was able to hit this with ease.

Saturday 6/27

A. Front Squat, build to a tough 3
B. Front Squat, 1/min for 6 @ 3RM weight
5 sets @ high effort
5 Thrusters tough, 185# or more
90 sec Air Bike
rest 90 sec
3 sets of:
8 Scap Pull Ups
8 Cossack Squats/side
10 min Run @ Z1

A. Worked up to 345#
B. Done @ 345# - this got a little spicy.

Thrusters done @ 225# - That I would go big or go home lol.
Thrusters done unbroken threw round 2. round 3 was 4/1 then 3/2 after that.


5 min Strict Muscle Ups **if you can’t get any, do negatives focusing on controlling the transition as much as possible.  Video one of these if possible
A1. Push Press @ 30X3, 4-6 reps x 4, rest 1 min
A2. Strict CTB Pull Ups @ 20X0, 3-5 reps x 4, rest 1 min **add weight if possible
B. Power Snatch, build to 3RM TnG
C. Power Snatch, 1/min for 8 min @ above weight
Row 5 min @ 130-150 HR
Bike 5 min @ 130-150 HR
Run 5 min @ 130-150 HR

Strict Muscle Ups
My attempts:

Didn't feel like I was getting a good negative, so I moved to the low rings to work on it.

A1. Done - Started at 135# and worked up to 195#
A2. Done - Didn't add weight

B. Snatch felt good. Worked up to 205#
C. Done @ 205#

Row/Bike/Run - Done

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


A. Back Squat, build to a moderate double
B. Back Squat, 2/min for 5 min @ same weight
C1. Ring Dips @ 31X1, 3-5 weighted x 4, rest 1 min
C2. Lying DB Rows @ 20X1, 8-10 x 4, rest 1 min
4 rounds for time:
50’ Over Head Lunges @ 155#
8 Pendlay Rows, 155#
100’ Double KB Front Rack Carry, 70#/h
7 Wall Facing HSPU's

A. 385#
B. Done@385#
C1. Done @ 35# - those were hard. Hard to hold the 3sec. Probably should have dropped the weight.
C2. Done @ 50# - Did 10 reps each time

D. Done 16:15 - Everything unbroken. Felt good in this. Added some carbs to my diet on Tuesday b/c I was getting tired on Wednesday and seemed to help today.


3 sets @ high effort
1 Rope Climb
Run 400m
5 Unbroken Muscle Ups
rest 2 min b/w sets
3 sets @ high effort
5 Strict Toes to Bar
Row 500m
5 Unbroken Bar Muscle Ups
rest 2 min b/w sets
3 sets @ high effort
Air Bike 2 min
10 V-Ups
rest 2 min b/w sets

A. 2:41/2:48/2:49
B.3:36/4:01/3:16 - First set of MUs was4/1. 2nd set was 3/1/1. #rd set was unbroken. I kept slipping on the bar. On the last set I finally got a good grip on the bar.
C. 2;22/2;24/2;15


A1. Seated DB Press @ 30X3, 6-8 reps x 4, rest 1 min
A2. L- Pull Ups, AMRAP x 4, rest 1 min
B. Power Clean, build to a tough 4 TnG
C. Clean w/ heaviest weight from B, 20 reps for time:
Row 30 sec
Double Unders 30 sec
FLR on Rings 30 sec
rest 30 sec
x 5

A1.Done @ 55# - my left shoulder was the weaker one.
A2. 3/4/4/3
B. 245# - felt good and quick
C. 4:16@245# - Almost failed the last rep.

D. Done- DUs kept tripping.


A. Front Squat, build to a tough 4
B. Front Squat, 1/min for 8 @ 4RM weight
5 sets @ high effort
12 Wall Ball, 30#
90 sec Air Bike
rest 90 sec
10 min Run @ Z1

A. 325#
B. 325#

C. 2:04/1:57/2;01/1:58/1:58

Did some additional work and kinda regretted it all week.

Even - 10 GHD Sit ups
Odd - 12 DB curls @ 35#
-My midline was wrecked all week.


5 min Strict Muscle Ups
A1. Push Press @ 30X3, 6-8 reps x 4, rest 1 min
A2. Strict CTB Pull Ups @ 20X1, 4-6 reps x 4, rest 1 min
B. Power Snatch, build to 4RM TnG
C. Power Snatch, 1/min for 8 min @ above weight
Row 6 min @ 130-150 HR
Bike 6 min @ 130-150 HR

No Strict MUs

A1. Worked up to 185#
A2. 6 reps on all
B. 185#
C. Used 195# - Didn't feel heavy enough

Row/Bike - Done

Wednesday, June 17, 2015


A. Back Squat, build to a moderate triple
B. Back Squat, 3/min for 5 min
C1. Ring Dips @ 33X1, AMRAP Unbroken x 4, rest 1 min
C2. Lying DB Rows @ 22X1, 8-10 x 4, rest 1 min
4 rounds for time:
50’ Front Rack Lunges @ 185#
5 Strict CTB Pull Ups
50’ OH Carry, 185#
5 Wall Facing HSPU's

A. 315# - could have done more.
B. Done @315# - These felt good. Last set was a little tough.

C1. 8/9/7/6 - Tried to get into the lowest dip I could. These actually didn't feel as bad as I thought they would.
C2. Done @ 50# - Did 8 reps each time and the last few reps were rough.

D. 19:03 - really humid today and got kinda dehydrated/hot and this got really hard. I did strict pull ups on the last 2 rounds, b/c I couldn't get a strict C2B. None of these movements seemed easy. Also I went 3/4 of the 50' on the lunges and then broke to catch my breathe. I probably could have done the full 50'.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015


3 sets @ high effort
Run 400m
5 Unbroken Muscle Ups
rest 2 min b/w sets
3 sets @ high effort
Row 500m
5 Unbroken Bar Muscle Ups
rest 2 min b/w sets
3 sets @ high effort
Air Bike 2 min
10 Toes to Bar
rest 2 min b/w

A. 2:32/2:29/2:30
B.3:20/4:10/3:09 - kept slipping on the bar b/c it was really humid from the storm. Couldn't go unbroken. Got a little frustrated on the 2nd set. finally used a towel to wipe down the bar and dry my hands and I was able to go unbroken on the last set.
C. 2:31/2:32/2:31

Monday, June 15, 2015

Monday 6/15

A1. DB Z Press @ 30X3, 8-10 reps x 4, rest 1 min
A2. Strict CTB Pull Ups, AMRAP x 4, rest 1 min
B. Power Clean, build to a tough 5 TnG
C. Clean w/ heaviest weight from B, 20 reps for time:
Row 30 sec
Double Unders 30 sec
rest 30 sec
x 5

A. Z-press done @50# and C2B - 4/3/3/3
B. 225#
C. 3:31 - but I counted wrong and did 21reps.

D. Done - I was getting 50 DUs per :30\

Saturday 6/13

A. Front Squat, build to a tough 6
B. Front Squat, 3/min for 5 min @ 6RM weight
5 sets @ high effort
8 Thrusters, 115#
90 sec Air Bike
rest 90 sec
5 min Row @ Z1

A. 295#
B. Done at 295# - that got a little tough.

C. 1:52/1:52/1:58/1:57/1:53
-Thrusters felt easy. Air bike hurt.

Practiced getting into a deep dip and then worked some Russian dips. Then went and got 2 strict muscle ups. Really excited about that!

Friday 6/12

5 min Strict Muscle Ups
A1. Push Press @ 30X3, 6-8 reps x 4, rest 1 min
A2. Strict CTB Pull Ups @ 20X1, 4-6 reps x 4, rest 1 min
B. Power Snatch, build to 6RM TnG
C. Power Snatch, 3 TnG w/ 6RM weight for 5 min
Row 5 min @ Z1
Bike 5 min @ Z1

I couldn't get any strict muscle ups.

A. Done @ 135# - I can do a lot of strict C2B with supine grip but I have been doing all of these with a regular grip, b/c its harder for me.

B. Missed last rep @ 185#.
C. Did this at 175# - felt good. Got a little hard towards the end.
D. Done

Monday, June 8, 2015


A. DB Z-Press, 10-12 reps x 3, rest 2 min
B. 20# Wtd Vest Ring Push Ups @ 3020, AMRAP Unbroken x 3, rest 2 min
30 min Row for Distance:
**record avg HR and pace/500m

A. All done @ 50#. Felt like my left shoulder was weaker then my right.

B. 14/13/12

C. Avg split 1:59/500. Avg HR 165. This was torture...seriously wanted to quit 5min into the row.

Felt very beat up this weak. My legs are dead. The past 2 weeks of testing have been mentally tough. There isn't a part of my body that isn't sore. Ready for a rest day.


30 Muscle Ups for time:
rest 10+ minutes
30 Squat Cleans, 225# for time

A. 8:51 - I felt like I couldn't get a good kip. Also felt tired and not strong. Started with a set of 5 and felt like that was to large of a set. Went to 2s and 1s the rest of the way. Failed 3 total reps.

B. 7:00 - Same here. Abductors and ham strings were really sore from the RFE slipt squats. Did singles all the way through.


A. Back Squat @ 30X1, build to 1RM
B. RFE Split Squat, build to 8RM/leg
C. Strict CTB Pull Ups, 3 x max unbroken, RAN
D. 30 Strict Wall Facing HSPU’s for time:

A. 425# - Felt ok. Tried for 455# and lost it at the mid point.
B. 235# - That was tough. Legs are in a lot of pain from this. Not bad pain. Just really sore all around.

C. 9/6/5
D. 3:02


Run 400m
rest 30 sec
Run 400m
rest 30 sec
run 400m
rest 30 sec
**start @ about RPE about 5 and increase speed each set
**note split times
**continue until you can not decrease split time any more
**note HR at end of each Run
Stretch hip flexors

2:04 \163
1:57 \171

Around the 7th to 8th round. I noticed that my chest started to drop and my breathing was hard to control. First 2 rounds I forgot to take HR so I guesstimated.

Friday 6/5

A. Dead Lift, build to a tough single, don’t loose form at all
B. Ring Dip, build to 1RM
C. Wtd Hip Extension @ 4022, 12-15 reps x 3, rest 2 min
D. Half Kneeling Single Arm Press @ 30X3, 10-12 reps x 3, RAN

A. 465#, Felt good.
B. 95# - Surprised that i got this.
C. Done @ 135# - dang that got kinda spicy. lol
D. First two sets @ 45#. Then last set @ 55#


Wednesday, June 3, 2015


Wednesday- Cl&J Int + UB Density + MAP Cyclical
A. Standing Press, build to 1RM
B. 50 Strict HSPU’s for time:
C. 20 sets of 5 Unbroken CTB Pull Ups for time: **must be 5 unbroken and must drop after 5
Row 30 sec ALL OUT
rest 30 sec
x 4
**i know this is not enough recovery but still go all out

A. 185# - went for 200# but couldn't get it
B. 7:10 - went to singles in the last 10reps. I kinda forgot what my time was so this was my best estimate.
C. 7:51 - I think I could have finished faster but I ripped around the 60rep mark. And it kinda got in my head and rested to long.
D. Done - I was doing around 11-13cal or 164m per. last two sets were tough. Felt like I was pulling as hard as I could but the split wasn't going down. Legs were dead. Ham strings have been really sore all week.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015


Tuesday- FSQ + Mixed MAP
A. Front Squat, build to 1RM
10 rounds for time:
4 Burpees
6 KB Swings, 70#
8 Wall Ball, 20#

A. 385# - 5lbs PR. Tried 395# but couldn't push out at the sticking point.

B. 12:09 - Paced this through the first 6 rounds and then went all out after that. Everything unbroken and that last set of WBs was tough. Saw your FB post and realized I didn't attacked this test the way I should have. Next time will be different.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Monday 6/1

Monday- UB CP work + Snatch + MAP Cyclical
A1. CG Bench Press @ 30X1, build to 1RM
A2. Wtd Pull Up @ 30X1, build to 1RM
**post bodyweight upon waking if possible
Run 1 mile for time:

A. 315# - Most I have ever benched.
B. 70# - Got my chin to the bar but not completely over.

C. 6:33 - Glad that I can still run it around 6:30. This was kinda sucky. lol


Saturday 5/30

Saturday- IWGT
A. Clean, build to 1RM
B. Clean @ 90%, 8 min AMRAP
rest as needed
Row 5k for time

A. 325# - PR. I think I could have 335#. I didn't let go of my hook grip and the bar went forward on me b/c I couldn't get my elbows up.
B. 12 @290#
C. 19:20 - Tried to pace it around 1:55 split.