Wednesday, July 22, 2015


Monday- Clean Int/HSPU Int + Pull/Sq EMOM + MAP Varied
A1. Clean Cluster, 4 x 1.1, rest 10 sec + 30 sec
A2. Wt Vest Strict Deficit HSPU’s Cluster, 4 x, rest 10-15 sec + 2 min **5” deficit
**you are alternating between A1 & A2 correct?
16 min
1st- 4 Front Squats @ 75% 1RM
2nd- 2 Ring Muscle Ups + 2 Bar Muscle Ups + 4 CTB Pull Ups
3 sets @ high consistent effort
Air Bike 15 Cals
10 GH Sit Ups
10 Hang Power Clean to OH, 115#
10 Double KB Russian Swings, 53#/h
rest 3 min b/w sets

A1. 2 sets @ 225# and then 2 sets @ 255#. Didn't go crazy on these knowing that the front squats were coming up.
A2. Used a 20# weighted vest. Failed a couple reps so I did some extra reps.
***Yes I'm alternating

1st: Used 275#. Did 4 reps through the 10th min and then went to 3. 4/4/4/4/4/3/3/4
2nd: Completed the ring MUs each time but wasn't able to finish all the Bar MUs and C2B each round.

C. 2:30/2:35/2:15. I'm not 100% sure that the AD was counting cal correctly. It was taking me about 40-50 sec to do 15cals.

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