Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Monday Training 3/16

Monday- Oly Int Varied + UB CP Endurance
A. Snatch Pull.Snatch.OHS, 3.1.3, build to max TnG
B. 3 Position Power Clean (High Hang, Above Knee, Below Knee) and Push Jerk, every 90 sec for 9 sets, 3 @ 205, 3 @ 215, 3 @ 225- **1 from each position the Push Jerk
10 min AMRAP
5 Strict Shoulder Press @ 135#
5 Strict CTB Pull Ups
5 Strict Toes to Bar
10 min Row @ 75%

Skipped all of this and retest 15.3

359 reps - was really broken by this workout and upset I didnt get 3 rds.

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