Wednesday, December 30, 2015


Wednesday- Squat/Pull CP + MAP 1
A. Snatch x 1, EMOM for 7 min - 70-90%
B. Clean & Jerk x 1, EMOM for 7 min- 70-90%
10 min EMOM
1st- 12 Front Squats, 205#
2nd- 12 CTB Pull Ups
10 sets @ high effort **mix and match order every time.
5 Power Snatch, 75#
5 Lateral Burpees over Bar
7 Toes to Bar
rest 45 sec b/w sets

A. 185/185/185/205/215/225/235
B. 245/245/265/265/265/285 Failed the clean /285
- Cleans not feeling good. Feels heavy and slow. 

10 EMOM - Done - ouch... All unbroken 

10 sets - All done between 45sec and 1min


10 min dynamic warm up **make sure to hit feet/ankles/calves
3 rounds
Run 200m
rest 30 sec
Run 400m
rest 30 sec
Run 800m
rest 2 min
**goal is same pace as last week

3 rounds @ high effort
10 TnG Sumo Dead Lift High Pulls
Row 500m
rest 2 min b/w sets
rest 3-5 min
3 rounds
10 TnG Power Cleans, 200#
Air Dyne 30 Cals
rest 2 min b/w sets
3 sets not for time
10 Ring Dips
12 Box Jumps, 24”
15 Gh Sit Ups


Did 2 rounds. Ankles started to bother me. I think it has to do with what I eat. I notice more inflammation when I eat junk food. 




3 rounds - Done



Monday- Gym Warm + UB CP + Tester + Aerobic cool down
3 sets not for time:
12 CTB Pull Ups focused on speed
12 Ring Dips
12 Box Jumps
A1. L-sit Strict Pull Ups @ 20X2, 4 x 3-4 reps, rest 30 sec
A2. CG Bench Press @ 20X1, 3 x 8-10, rest 2 min
For time:
75 Wall Ball, 20#- Unbroken
75 Snatches, 75#

10 min aerobic cool down cyclical of choice

Warm up - Done

A1. Done 4 reps
A2. 205/225/235

Time: 7:59
Wall Balls unbroken
Snatch was tough sets of 15 and 10.


Saturday- Gym WU + LP Bike + EMOM w/ Cyclical
10 MU’s for time:
3 rounds not for time:
17 GH Sit Ups
12 Box Jumps rebounding, 24”
7 Strict HSPU’s
4 sets ALL OUT
20 sec Bike Sprint, rest 2:40
30 min EMOM
1st- 10 Power Snatch, 75# + Bike Z1 in remaining time
2nd- 10 Burpees to 8” target + Bike…
3rd- 7 Toes to Bar + 20 Double Unders + Bike...

Optional A.M. Run easy
30 min easy ROW
Mobility- lower body

10 MU - 47sec



12 Days of Christmas
1 Row 300 Meters
2 Snatches (155/105lbs)
3 Thrusters (155/105lbs)
4 Muscle-Ups
5 Burpees
6 Toes to Bar
7 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
8 Kettlebell Swings (88/70lbs)
9 Box Jumps (30/24)
10 Handstand Push-Ups
11 Ground to Overhead (155/105lbs)
12 Man-Makers (55/30lb DB's)

Did this on Friday after Christmas lunch and it was terrible. 

30min easy run 

Wednesday, December 23, 2015


Wednesday- Squat/Pull CP + MAP 1
A. Snatch x 1, EMOM for 7 min - 70-90%
B. Clean & Jerk x 1, EMOM for 7 min- 70-90%
10 min EMOM
1st- 9 Front Squats, 225#
2nd- 12 CTB Pull Ups
10 sets @ high effort **mix and match order every time.
5 Power Snatch, 75#
5 Lateral Burpees over Bar
7 Toes to Bar
rest 45 sec b/w sets

A. 185/205/205/215/215/225/235
B. 245/245/265/275/285/295/305 
*no misses 

EMOM - Done. C2B UB. Those front squats yikes. 

10 sets: skipped had to go to work. Might do it later today. 


Tuesday- A.M. Threshold Run P.M.  IWT
10 min dynamic warm up **make sure to hit feet/ankles/calves
3 rounds
Run 200m
rest 30 sec
Run 400m
rest 45 sec
Run 800m
rest 3 min
**goal is same pace throughout

3 rounds @ high effort
10 TnG Power Snatch, add 5-10# from last week- note weight
Row 500m
rest 2 min b/w sets
rest 3-5 min
3 rounds
10 TnG Power Cleans, add 5-10# from last week- note weight
Air Dyne 30 Cals
rest 2 min b/w sets
3 sets not for time
10 Ring Dips
10 Box Jumps, 24”
12 Gh Sit Ups


warm up done 

3 round - done @ 55sec/1:45/3:30

Snatch - 165#. 10# more then last week
2:46/2:53/3:33 not UB. Snatches got hard
Clean - 185# Same as last week
2:39/3:01/2:57 - All UB 

3 sets - done 


Monday- Gym Warm + UB CP + Tester + Aerobic cool down
3 sets not for time:
12 CTB Pull Ups focused on speed
12 Ring Dips
12 Box Jumps
A1. L-sit Strict Pull Ups @ 20X2, 3 x 4-6 reps, rest 30 sec
A2. CG Bench Press @ 20X1, 3 x 10-12, rest 2 min
For time:
50 Wall Ball, 20#- Unbroken
50 KB Swings, 70#- Unbroken
50 Burpees
10 min aerobic cool down cyclical of choice

Warm up - done

A1. done 
A2. 185/205/225 - all 12 reps


All unbroken. My feet hurt really bad after the KBS. I went kinda slow on the burpees b/c of it.

10min AD cool down


Saturday- Gym WU + LP Bike + EMOM w/ Cyclical
1 x 8 Unbroken MU’s
3 rounds not for time:
15 GH Sit Ups
12 Box Jumps rebounding, 24”
7 Strict HSPU’s
4 sets ALL OUT
17 sec Bike Sprint, rest 2:43
30 min EMOM
1st- 10 Hang Power Snatch, 75# + Bike Z1 in remaining time
2nd- 10 Burpees + Bike…
3rd- 3 L Pull Ups + 20 Double Unders + Bike...

Optional A.M. Run easy
30 min easy run
Mobility- lower body

7 Unbroken MUs

Warm up Done

Bike sprints done 

EMOM - Done 

30 min run - did 25min and it was stop and go. My ankles stiffened up and wouldn't move. It got painful to run. 


Friday- Gym Warm Up + CP EMOM + Mixed MAP
3 rounds not for time:
1 Legless Rope Climb
12 Toes to Bar
6 Pistols/leg
14 min EMOM
1st- 5 Squat Cleans, 185#
2nd- 5 Muscle Ups
3 sets @ high effort
Row 400m
75 Double Unders
25 DB Thrusters, 25#/H
20 Alt DB Snatch, 55#
rest 4 min b/w sets

Warm up - Done

EMOM - Done. MUs unbroken

3 sets:
Forgot to take a picture of white board. 

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Wednesday 12/16

Wednesday- Squat/Pull CP + MAP 1
A. Snatch x 1, EMOM for 7 min - 70-90%
B. Clean & Jerk x 1, EMOM for 7 min- 70-90%
10 min EMOM
1st- 7 Front Squats, 225#
2nd- 10 CTB Pull Ups
10 sets @ high effort
7 KB Swings, 70#
7 Air Squats
21 Double Unders
rest 45 sec b/w sets

A. 185/185/205/205/205/225/245 Last rep felt kinda heavy
B. 225/245/265/265/285/285/285

10min EMOM - Done

10sets - All done around around 40sec a round

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Tuesday 12/15

Tuesday- A.M. Threshold Run P.M.  IWT
10 min dynamic warm up **make sure to hit feet/ankles/calves
3 rounds
Run 200m
rest 30 sec
Run 400m
rest 60 sec
Run 800m
rest 3 min
**goal is same pace throughout

3 rounds @ high effort
10 TnG Power Snatch, tough but unbroken
Row 500m
rest 2 min b/w sets
rest 3-5 min
3 rounds
10 TnG Power Cleans, tough but unbroken
Air Dyne 30 Cals
rest 2 min b/w sets
3 sets not for time
10 Push Ups
10 Box Jumps, 24”
10 Toes to Bar

AM: Done @ 1:45/400m pace



Monday 12/14

Monday- Gym Warm + UB CP + Tester + Aerobic cool down
3 sets not for time:
10 CTB Pull Ups focused on speed
10 Ring Dips
10 Modate DB Snatch/arm
A1. L-sit Strict Pull Ups @ 20X2, 3 x 4-6 reps, rest 30 sec
A2. CG Bench Press @ 20X1, 3 x 8-10, rest 2 min
EMOM as long as possible
4 Burpees
6 KB Swings, 70#
8 Wall Ball, 20#
10 min aerobic cool down cyclical of choice


Warm up - Done

A1. Done
A2. 185/205/225 - 10 reps of ea.

EMOM Tester - 16+5WB

Cool down - Done

25min easy run from Saturday b/c it was raining Saturday.

Saturday 12/12

Saturday- Gym WU + LP Bike + EMOM w/ Cyclical
1 x AMRAP Unbroken MU’s
3 rounds not for time:
15 GH Sit Ups
12 Box Jumps rebounding, 24”
5 Strict HSPU’s
4 sets ALL OUT
15 sec Bike Sprint, rest 2:45
30 min EMOM
1st- 10 Hang Power Cleans, 95# + Bike Z1 in remaining time
2nd- 5 Burpees over Bar + Bike…
3rd- 3 Strict Pull Ups + 20 Doube Unders + Bike...

Optional A.M. Run easy
25 min easy run
Mobility- lower body

8 MUs - hands started to slip.

Warm up - Done

4 sets on bike - Done

30min EMOM - Done

Friday 12/11

Friday- Gym Warm Up + CP EMOM + Mixed MAP
3 rounds not for time:
1 Legless Rope Climb
12 Toes to Bar
6 Pistols/leg
14 min EMOM
1st- 5 Thrusters, 185#
2nd- 5 Muscle Ups
3 sets @ high effort
Row 350m
100 Double Unders
20 Wall Ball, 30#
10 Box Jump Overs, 30”
rest 4 min b/w sets

Warm up - Done

14EMOM - Done. All done unbroken


Thursday, December 10, 2015


Wednesday- Squat/Pull CP + Mixed MAP
A1. Back Squat @ 20X1, 5 x 1-2 reps, rest 30 sec
A2. Rope Climbs, 5 x 2 Legless, rest 2 min
4 min @ 80%
Row 500m
20 Burpee Box Jumps, 24”
20 Sumo DL High Pull, 75#
10 Single Arm OHS, 70# DB, L
10 Single Arm OHS, 70# DB, R
100 Double Unders
rest 4 min
6 min @ 90%
Row 500m
20 Burpee Box Jumps, 24”
20 Sumo DL High Pull, 75#
10 Single Arm OHS, 70# DB, L
10 Single Arm OHS, 70# DB, R
100 Double Unders
rest 4 min
For time @ 100%
Row 500m
20 Burpee Box Jumps, 24”
20 Sumo DL High Pull, 75#
10 Single Arm OHS, 70# DB, L
10 Single Arm OHS, 70# DB, R
100 Double Unders

A1. 315/330/365/385/405 for 2. Stuggled on the last set.
A2. Done

13BJO - did burppe box jump overs on the first set.


Tuesday- A.M. Threshold Run P.M.  Musc End EMOM’s
10 min Aerobic/Dynamic warm up
3 x Run 400m @ 1:21, rest 30 sec
rest 4 min
3 x Run 400m @ 1:21, rest 30 sec
10 min cool down

12 min EMOM
1st- 4 Strict CTB Pull Ups **goal is unbroken
2nd- 6 Strict Deficit HSPU’s
14 min EMOM
1st- 4/5 Muscle Ups **alternate b/w 4 and 5 reps each set
2nd- 8 Toes to Bar + 8 V-Ups
16 min EMOM
1st- 10 CTB Pull Ups
2nd- 10 Ring Dips
3 rounds for time
12 Ring Push Push Ups
20 GH Sit Ups
40 Double Unders
****goal is to go unbroken on everything.  This is not about pacing this is dealing with bigger sets

Runs done. I rested 1:1. I couldn't hold time with a 30sec rest.




Done - with 4 UB MUs. Its in my head that I can't get more then 4 MUs UB. ugh.


3 Sets:
6:55 - OMG GH Sit ups.


Monday- Snatch Complex + IWT
A. 5 Power Snatch + 5 Hang Snatch + 5 OHS, 4 sets, rest 60 sec b/w sets- start @ 155 and try to add 10#/set
3 sets
12 Power Cleans, same weight as last week, go UB on all 3
Row 2 min
rest 2 min
3 sets
10 Steps Front Rack Walking Lunges, 205#
Air Dyne 2 min 63, 67, 72 RPM
rest 2 min

A. Done - I rested between the PS and HPS

3:00 - All UB
2:46 - All UB
2:47 - All UB 

2:36 - 63RPM 
2:36 - 68RPM
2:42 - 72RPM 


Saturday- Skill Work + Mixed MAP  + Run VO2
15 min skill work
**Front Levers
**HS Walks
**Strict MU’s
5 sets @ high effort
5 min @ high sustainable pace
Air Dyne 35 Cals- buy-in
in remaining time:
15 Double KB Thrusters, 35#/H
10 Toes to Bar- break from start
20 Dead Lifts, 95#
rest 3 min b/w sets

Optional A.M. Session
HR Step Test Running
Run/Jog/Dynamic warm up 10 min
3 x 20-30 sec sprint starts @ about 85-90% effort
2 x Run 800m @ 1:45/lap, rest 60 sec
rest 2 min
2 x Run 800m @ 1:45/lap, rest 60 sec

Runs done. I was about a 1:43/lap pace. and I rested 1:1. These were kinda tough.




Friday- Cl&J Complex + SL/MU EMOM short + Short MAP
15 min EMOM
First 5 min- 5 Shoulder to OH, 225#
Second 5 min- 5 TnG Power Cleans, 225#
Third 5 min- 5 Front Squats, 225#
12 min EMOM
1st- 12 Steps Front Rack Walking Lunges, 175#
2nd- 5 Unbroken Muscle Ups
4 sets @ consistent effort
75 Double Unders
20 KB Swings, 70#
15 Wall Ball, 30#
rest 60 sec b/w sets

15min EMOM
Done - I did G2O for the first 5min. ugh.

12min EMOM
Done - did 5 on the first set and 4 after that. I think it in my head that I can't get past 4 UB.

- A little bit more consistent this week.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015


Wednesday- Squat/Pull CP + Mixed MAP
A1. Back Squat @ 20X1, 4 x 2-3 reps, rest 30 sec
A2. Rope Climbs, 4 x 1 Legless + 3 w/ legs, rest 2 min
4 min @ 80%
Row 500m
10 Burpee Muscle Ups
20 KB Swings, 70#
30 Box Jump Overs, 24”
50 Double Unders
rest 4 min
6 min @ 90%
Row 500m
10 Burpee Muscle Ups
20 KB Swings, 70#
30 Box Jump Overs, 24”
50 Double Unders
rest 4 min
For time @ 100%
Row 500m
10 Burpee Muscle Ups
20 KB Swings, 70#
30 Box Jump Overs, 24”
50 Double Unders

A1. Done- 315/325/345/345
A2. Done

7 MUs
20 KBS


Tuesday- A.M. Threshold Run P.M.  Musc End EMOM’s
10 min Aerobic/Dynamic warm up
3 x Run 400m @ 1:27, rest 30 sec
rest 4 min
3 x Run 400m @ 1:27, rest 30 sec
10 min cool down

12 min EMOM
1st- 5 Strict CTB Pull Ups **goal is unbroken
2nd- 6 Strict Deficit HSPU’s
14 min EMOM
1st- 4/5 Muscle Ups **alternate b/w 4 and 5 reps each set
2nd- 14 Toes to Bar
16 min EMOM
1st- 8 CTB Pull Ups
2nd- 8 Ring Dips
3 rounds for time
10 Ring Push Push Ups
15 GH Sit Ups
40 Double Unders
****goal is to go unbroken on everything.  This is not about pacing this is dealing with bigger sets

AM: Runs

12min EMOM - Done. I did 3 Strict C2B

14min EMOM - Done. Only did one set of 5 MUs. MUs felt a little off. Only 2 rounds of 14 UB T2B.

16min EMOM - Done, All UB


Monday- Snatch Complex + IWT
A. 5 Power Snatch + 5 Hang Snatch + 5 OHS, 4 sets, rest 90 sec b/w sets- start @ 155 and try to add 10#/set
3 sets
12 Power Cleans, tough but unbroken
Row 2 min
rest 2 min
3 sets
10 Steps Front Rack Walking Lunges, 185#
Air Dyne 2 min
rest 2 min

Again was looking at the wrong email and did last weeks snatch work before I realized it.

Worked up to 205# on last weeks complex.

A. Did 3 rounds. Added 10#/set

2:55 - 2:03/500m
2:51 - 1:58/500m
3:02 - 1:55/500m - not unbroken 8/4

2:32 - 60RPM
2:34 - 65RPM
2:34 - 70RPM


Saturday- Skill Work + Mixed MAP  + Run VO2
15 min skill work
**Front Levers
**HS Walks
**Strict MU’s
5 sets @ high effort
5 min @ high sustainable pace
Air Dyne 35 Cals- buy-in
in remaining time:
12 Alt DB Snatch, 70#
8 Toes to Bar
10 DB Push Press, 55#/H
8 CTB Pull Ups
rest 4 min b/w sets

Optional A.M. Session
HR Step Test Running
Run/Jog/Dynamic warm up 10 min
3 x 20-30 sec sprint starts @ about 85-90% effort
2 x Run 800m @ 1:48/lap, rest 60 sec
rest 2 min
2 x Run 400m @ 1:48/lap, rest 60 sec

I was looking at the wrong email and did last weeks by mistake

*Runs done in the afternoon


Friday- Cl&J Complex + SL/MU EMOM short + Short MAP
15 min EMOM
First 5 min- 5 Shoulder to OH, 225#
Second 5 min- 5 TnG Power Cleans, 245#
Third 5 min- 5 Front Squats, 265#
12 min EMOM
1st- 10 Steps Front Rack Walking Lunges, 175#
2nd- 4 Unbroken Muscle Ups
4 sets @ consistent effort
65 Double Unders
20 Power Clean to OH, 75#
15 Burpees to 8”
rest 60 sec b/w sets

First 5min done
2nd 5min I did as every 2min
3rd 5min I did every 2min

B. Done
C. 3:25/4:31/4:18/5:01 not very consistent

Wednesday, November 25, 2015


Wednesday- Squat/Pull CP + Mixed MAP
A1. Back Squat @ 20X1, 4 x 3-4 reps, rest 30 sec
A2. Rope Climbs, 4 x 1 Legless + 2 w/ legs, rest 2 min
4 min @ 80%
Row 500m
30 Front Squats, 75#
30 Double Unders
30 KB Swings, 53#
30 Double Unders
30 Box Jumps, 24”
30 Double Unders
rest 4 min
6 min @ 90%
Row 500m
30 Front Squats, 75#
30 Double Unders
30 KB Swings, 53#
30 Double Unders
30 Box Jumps, 24”
30 Double Unders
rest 4 min
For time @ 100%
Row 500m
30 Front Squats, 75#
30 Double Unders
30 KB Swings, 53#
30 Double Unders
30 Box Jumps, 24”
30 Double Unders

A1. All done @ 315#
A2. Done

8 DUs
15 DUs into the 2nd set.


Tuesday- A.M. Threshold Run P.M.  Musc End EMOM’s
10 min Aerobic/Dynamic warm up
3 x Run 400m @ 1 mile pace, rest 30 sec
rest 4 min
3 x Run 400m @ 1 mile pace, rest 30 sec
10 min cool down

12 min EMOM
1st- 6 Strict CTB Pull Ups
2nd- 6 Strict Deficit HSPU’s
14 min EMOM
1st- 4 Muscle Ups
2nd- 12 Toes to Bar
16 min EMOM
1st- 10 CTB Pull Ups
2nd- 10 Ring Dips
3 rounds for time
10 Kipping HSPU’s
10 GH Sit Ups
40 Double Unders



12min EMOM - Done - went to strict pull ups at the 3rd round

14min EMOM - Done - I saw this one as a challenge. I was glad to finish it. MUs unbroken

16min EMOM - Done - Broken C2B into 6/4. Ring dips 6/4.

METCON: 5:46

Monday, November 23, 2015


Monday- Snatch Complex + IWT
A. 2 Snatch Pull + Hang Power Snatch + OHS + Snatch, tough complex in 12 min
3 sets
12 Sumo Dead Lift High Pulls, 135# TnG, try to stay unbroken
Row 2 min
rest 2 min
3 sets
10 Hang Squat Cleans, 135#
Air Dyne 2 min
rest 2 min
**goal is to speed up each row and each bike- example rows- 1:58/500m, 1:56/500m, 1:54/500m

A. 205# - Felt good!

B. 2:30(1:58/500m)/2:24(1:55)/2:32(1:51)
C. 2:36(60RPM)/2:30(65)/2:33(70)


Saturday- Skill Work + Mixed MAP  + Run VO2
15 min skill work
**Front Levers
**HS Walks
**Strict MU’s
5 sets @ high effort
5 min @ high sustainable pace
Air Dyne 35 Cals- buy-in
in remaining time:
12 Alt DB Snatch, 70#
8 Toes to Bar
10 DB Push Press, 55#/H
8 CTB Pull Ups
rest 4 min b/w sets

Skill work done.
Front levers on the rings w/ skin the cat
HS walk
Weighted Pistols 53#
S.Muscle Ups - Still struggling with transition.

3:33 I thought it was for time.
1+15 cal


Friday- Cl&J Complex + SL/MU EMOM short + Short MAP
A. 2 Clean Pulls + Hang Clean from Below Kee + FSQ + Split Jerk + Front Squat + Split Jerk, build to tough complex in 12 min
12 min EMOM
1st- 12 Steps Front Rack Walking Lunges, 165#
2nd- 4 Unbroken Muscle Ups
4 sets @ consistent effort
2 x 40 Unbroken Double Unders
20 Over Head Squats, 75# **narrower than normal OHS grip
10 Box Jumps, 20” rebounding
rest 60 sec b/w sets

A.  295# - Felt good too!

B. EMOM - Done. Had a battle in my head to finish this RX.

C. 3:17/2:57/3:08/4:51 - Last set took awhile to get 2x40UB DUs.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015


Wednesday- Squat/Pull CP + Mixed MAP
A1. Back Squat @ 20X1, 4 x 4-5 reps, rest 30 sec
A2. Rope Climbs, 4 x 3 reps TnG, rest 2 min **use legs
4 min @ 80%
Row 500m
25 Wall Ball, 20#
20 Box Jump Overs, 24”
15 Toes to Bar
50 Double Unders
15 Burpees to 8” target
15 Power Snatch, 75#
rest 4 min
6 min @ 90%
Row 500m
25 Wall Ball, 20#
20 Box Jump Overs, 24”
15 Toes to Bar
50 Double Unders
15 Burpees to 8” target
15 Power Snatch, 75#
rest 4 min
For time @ 100%
Row 500m
25 Wall Ball, 20#
20 Box Jump Overs, 24”
15 Toes to Bar
50 Double Unders
15 Burpees to 8” target
15 Power Snatch, 75#

A1. 225/275/325/345
A2. Done

8 box jumps
7 DUs
Time: 8:14


Tuesday- A.M. Threshold Run P.M.  Musc End EMOM’s
10 min Aerobic/Dynamic warm up
3 x Run 400m @ 1 mile pace, rest 60 sec
rest 4 min
3 x Run 400m @ 1 mile pace, rest 60 sec
10 min cool down

12 min EMOM
1st- 5 Strict CTB Pull Ups
2nd- 5 Strict Deficit HSPU’s
14 min EMOM
1st- 3 Muscle Ups
2nd- 10 Toes to Bar
16 min EMOM
1st- 8 CTB Pull Ups
2nd- 8 Ring Dips
3 rounds for time
10 Kipping HSPU’s
10 GH Sit Ups
40 Double Unders


My ankle is swollen and it was raining so I subbed 500m Row
3 x Row 500m @ 2k pace, rest 60 sec
rest 4 min
3 x Row 500m @ 2k pace, rest 60 sec

All EMOMs done. For some reason everything is easier in the afternoon. But these didn't feel that bad.

- I subbed 10 cal on the AD for DUs b/c my ankle was swollen and didn't want to make it worse by jumping on it.

 3 rounds for time
10 Kipping HSPU’s
10 GH Sit Ups
10 Cal AD
Time: 6:00


Monday- Snatch Complex + IWT
A. Snatch + Hang Snatch + 2 OHS + Hang Snatch, tough complex in 12 min
3 sets
10 Thrusters, 185#
Row 2 min
rest 2 min
3 sets
10 Sumo Dead Lift High Pulls, 165#
Air Dyne 2 min
rest 2 min
**goal is to speed up each row and each bike- example rows- 1:58/500m, 1:56/500m, 1:54/500m

A. 165/185/205/225(failed the last snatch)
2:53(1:55/500m) - thrusters unbroken
3:22(1:53/500m) - thrusters 5/5
3:16(1:48/500m) - 5/3/2

2:53(67rpm) SDHP is hard for me for some reaseon. I went to singles
2:50(70rpm) all singles
3:02(75rpm) all singles 
- Those were tough


Saturday- Skill Work + Mixed MAP  + Run VO2
15 min skill work
**Front Levers
**HS Walks
**Strict MU’s
5 sets @ high effort **mix and match order every time
Air Dyne 35 Cals
15 KB Swings, 70#
12 Toes to Bar
15 Box Jumps, 24”
rest 4 min b/w sets


Front levers are tough. I can't do them so I did a progression I found online.
HS walk - done
Did weighted Pistols w/ 53# KB
Still having trouble with the transition on strict muscle ups. I can get on top of the rings but my hand slips through the rings.



Optional A.M. Session
HR Step Test Running
Run/Jog/Dynamic warm up 10 min
3 x 20-30 sec sprint starts @ about 85-90% effort
Run 400m
rest 30 sec
Run 400m
rest 30 sec
Run 400m
rest 30 sec
**start @ 1:50 lap, decreasing about 5 sec/set
**not what your last lap time is that you held pace
**record peak HR
**Let me know if you don’t have HR monitor and I may change this

I did the runs but I couldn't make the time splits. My bones and joints were aching and legs were dead. My ankle swelling up again also. So I just ran 8x400 @ easy pace.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Friday 11/13

A. Clean + Below Knee Hang Clean + FSQ + Push Jerk + Hang Clean + Split Jerk, build to tough complex in 12 min
12 min EMOM
1st- 10 Steps OH Walking Lunges, 165#
2nd- 4 Unbroken Muscle Ups
4 sets @ consistent effort
60 Double Unders
20 Wall Ball, 20#
10 Burpees
rest 60 sec b/w sets

A. 185/205/225/245/265#
B. Done - Did 4 MUs for the first 5rounds and then switched to 3. All lunges done.
C. 2:20/2:24/2:48/3:19 - It was high effort but not very consistent at all.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Testing Week

Nov. 6th
A. 255#
B. 185# - only attempted this once. It was bad enough that one time.
C. 6:06 - I lost count and think I did 1 extra round. I think that is a PR tho.
D. 218 Cal. That was a PR. Max HR 184. Avg. HR 176.

Nov. 7th
A. 375# - missed 395# twice
B. 15 + 3kbs - Goal was 15-18rounds. Lungs weren't there.
C. Done

Nov. 9th
A. 315# - Glad to hit this b/c I kept missing it last week. But also feel like I should be hitting higher numbers. I feel like stuff has been off for me since Pensacola. Not as strict with my nutrition as I was and that might be messing with me.
B. 245# for 4 reps. Tried 265# and couldn't make it.
C1. 47 Cals on AD.
C2. 9:05 - Nutrition was off on Sunday and think that hurt me on this. Quads locked.

Nov. 10th
A. 6 - I woke up later and rushed to the gym this morning with very little warm up and did the MUs.
B. 30 - Happy with that.
C. 19:20 - I don't know my split times.
Row - was around 7, Bike was around 4min, Run was around 7min

Nov. 11th
A. 485# - tried 500# but couldn't get it.
B. 205#
C. 8:06 - that killed my grip. did sets of 15 on the DUs after the 1st round.

-Getting back into my nutrition plan and hopefully will start to hit better numbers.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015


10 min @ 80% aerobic
5 Burpee Muscle Ups
35 Double Unders
rest 5 min
10 min @ 80% aerobic
Run 200m
10 Power Snatch, 95#
10 Toes to Bar
rest 5 min
10 min @ 80% aerobic
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 24”
15 KB Swings, 70#
rest 5-10 min
A1. Front Squat @ 13X1, 5 x 2 reps, rest 30 sec
A2. L-Sit Chin Over Bar Hold, 5 x 20-30 sec, rest 3 min

3+9 snatch
3 + 5 or 6  burpee box jumps.
In the last 2min I jumped up and missed the box and ripped both my shins up and toppled over the box. I was on the ground for the next 10min. So I decided to skip A1/A2.

Tuesday (2nd Session)

Tuesday (2nd Session)
A.M. if possible
6 sets
Row 1000m @ 1:51/500m
rest 60 sec
**rest 5 min b/w sets 3 & 4

A. Towel Pull Ups @ 30X2, 4 x 4-5 reps, rest 2 min
B. Strict Deficit HSPU’s @ 3” deficit, 3-4/min for 10 min
C. CG Bench Press, build to 10RM
D. CTB Pull Ups, 5 CTB Pull Ups/30 sec for 10 min **rest 4 min b/w sets 5 & 6
Air Bike- 22 sec Max Effort, rest 3 min x 4


A. Done those felt good
B. Done - 4/min
C. 255# - not sure if that is good or not.
D. Done - this was kinda tough b/c I had a rip on my hand, so I had to change up my grip a little.

Didn't see the air bike piece...


A. 3 False Grip Strict Ring Pull Ups + 2 Ring Muscle Ups + 3 Ring Dips, 1 complex/2 min for 6 sets
B. 4 Squat Clean + 5 Front Squats + 6 steps Walking Lunges, 1 complex/3 min for 6 sets **start @ 155# and build as possible
Dead Lift, 315#
Box Jumps, 30”
Air Bike 10 min cool down

A. Done - no misses 

B. Done - built to 185#. Legs are dead. 

C. 7:51 - broke the deads into 5s. Box jumps were slow. 



Retested C&J - 305#
Failed 315# Jerk 6 times


10 min Practice Ring Swings w/ Towel & hollow rocks
Strict Muscle Ups- 5 min attempts
Fittest Games #4
1RM Cl&J
10 Burpees to 6” target all out/min for 5 min
10 Burpee Muscle Ups for time:

MU - practice done
no strict MUs

Fittest games #4
Max C&J - 305# failed 315

Fittest Games #6

10 burpee muscle ups : 1:56

Fittest Games #5
10:38 - lungs weren't there.

Thursday, October 29, 2015


10 min @ 80% aerobic
45 Double Unders
15 Wall Ball, 20#
45 Double Unders
15 KB Swings, 70#
rest 5 min
10 min @ 80% aerobic
Run 200m
15 Power Cleans, 95#
25’ HS Walk
rest 5 min
10 min @ 80% aerobic
5 Burpee Box Jumps, 30”
5 Bar MU’s
rest 5-10 min
A1. Front Squat @ 13X1, 5 x 3 reps, rest 30 sec
A2. L-Sit Chin Over Bar Hold, 5 x 20-30 sec, rest 3 min

2+30DUs - rope broke in the middle of this one.
3 rds - my hand ripped and it was all down hill from there.

A1. 225/245/275/295/315
A2. only did 2 rds my bicep started to hurt again so I decided to let it rest some.


Tuesday (2nd Session)
A.M. if possible
6 sets
Row 1000m @ 1:53/500m
rest 60 sec
**rest 5 min b/w sets 3 & 4

A. Uneven Ring Pull Ups @ 21X1, 4 x 4-6 reps, rest 2 min **4-6 facing one direction, rest 2 min, 4-6 facing the other direction.  In video you only rest like 10 sec then you look very dissapointed ha ha
B. Strict Deficit HSPU’s @ 4” deficit, 3-4/min for 8 min
C. CG Bench Press @ 32X1, 4 x 2-3 reps, rest 3 min building
D. CTB Pull Ups, 5 CTB Pull Ups/30 sec for 7 min




A. Done - 2min rest makes a huge difference. Felt good on these.

B. Done - I did them UB for the first 4min and then 2/2.

C. 225/245/255/265.

D. For some reason I thought it was 7 C2B/30sec for 7 min. I did 7 min for 6min and then 5 on the last min. LOL They felt good...

Monday 10/26

A. 3 False Grip Strict Ring Pull Ups + 3 Ring Muscle Ups + 3 Ring Dips, 1 complex/2 min for 6 sets
B. Power Clean x 1 + Pause Hang Clean x 1 + Front Squat x 1, 5 sets to tough complex, rest 2-3 min **Pause 2 sec in hang position just above knee
C. Dead Lift @ 11X1, 3 x 3 reps @ 375#, rest 3 min **pause on ground each rep, not TnG
Air Bike 10 min cool down

Monday was an off day for me...not sure why but nothing felt good.

A. I couldn't finish this. Only did 2 rds RX. Had a hard time with the 3rd MU.

B.  225/245/255/275 Fail/295 fail. Again not sure what was going on just felt off

C. Done @ 375# - These actually felt ok.


Warm Up
10 min Aerobic cyclical warm up
Fittest Games Event 2
A. Strict CTB Pull Ups, 3/min for up to 6 min
B. Thumb Up lying reverse flys, 3 x 15 reps, rest as needed
Row 500m @ 1:53/500m
15 Thrusters, 95#
rest 60 sec
x 3

Fittest games #2 
3 rds + 2MUs - not happy about that workout, but I knew this one wasn't my strength. 

A. done
B. done - these were tough. Done w/ 10# DB. made my bicep feel better. 

C. 2:44/2:44/2:44


10 min Practice Ring Swings w/ Towel & hollow rocks
Strict Muscle Ups- 5 min attempts
Fittest Games #1
1RM Snatch
4 sets
30 sec Hollow Rock
30 sec Arch Body
rest as needed

MU practice done 
No strict MUs 

1RM Snatch - 265#, missed 270 probably could have hit it if i tried again. 

Fittest games #3 - 2rds +11 

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Wednesday 10/21

10 min @ 80% aerobic
Row 250m
20 Wall Ball, 20#
50’ Reverse Bear Crawl
rest 5 min
10 min @ 80% aerobic
Run 200m
15 Power Cleans, 95#
25’ HS Walk
rest 5 min
10 min @ 80% aerobic
5 Burpee Box Jumps, 30”
5 Bar MU’s
rest 5-10 min
A1. Front Squat @ 13X1, 5 x 3 reps, rest 30 sec
A2. L-Sit Chin Over Bar Hold, 5 x 20-30 sec, rest 3 min

3+ burpees rds - I stopped at 8min b/c my bicep was killing me. I can't do any pull ups without it hurting. :(

A1. Done - 225/275/305/325 felt good
A2. Skipped - my bicep was hurting to much.

Tuesday 10/20

Tuesday (2nd Session)
A.M. if possible
6 sets
Row 1000m @ 1:55/500m
rest 60 sec
**rest 5 min b/w sets 3 & 4

A. Uneven Ring Pull Ups @ 21X1, 6 x 4-6 reps, rest 2 min **4-6 facing one direction, rest 2 min, 4-6 facing the other direction.  In video you only rest like 10 sec then you look very dissapointed ha ha
B. Strict Deficit HSPU’s @ 5” deficit, 3/min for 10 min
C. CG Bench Press @ 32X1, 4 x 2-3 reps, rest 3 min building
D. CTB Pull Ups, 6 CTB Pull Ups/30 sec for 5 min
Sled Push Heavy grinding weight- 15 sec Max Effort, rest 2 min x 4


A. Done - felt better with the 2min rest. Although at the end of this my bicep felt like it was gonna fall off. It has been bothering me ever since.
B. Done - I did 3min for 7min and then 2/min. My bicep was bothering me on this also.
C.225/245/255/280 Failed 2nd rep
D. Done - All UB. They felt good to.

Sled Push - Done with 275.

Monday 10/19

A. 2 False Grip Strict Ring Pull Ups + 3 Ring Muscle Ups + 3 Ring Dips, 1 complex/2 min for 6 sets
B. Power Clean x 1 + Pause Hang Clean x 1 + Front Squat x 3, 5 sets to tough complex, rest 2-3 min **Pause 2 sec in hang position just above knee
C. Dead Lift @ 11X1, 4 x 5 reps, rest 3 min **pause on ground each rep, not TnG
Air Bike 10 min cool down

6 sets
Row 1000m @ 1:55/500m
rest 60 sec
**rest 5 min b/w sets 3 & 4

I had some time at lunch so I did some rowing.

A. Done
B. 225/245/265/285 - Not a fan of the pause above the knee. Its had for me to hold it there close to my body.
C.315/365/405/425 - Last set was tough.
D. Done

Saturday 10/17

Warm Up
3 rounds not for time:
Run 200m
3 Ring Muscle Ups **focus on catching as high as possible in the dip
10 Toes to Rings
A. Power Snatch x 6 TnG/min for 7 min **start @ 55% and build as needed, not going for 6RM
B. Squat Clean, build to 4RM TnG
12 min EMOM
1st- 8 Burpee Box Jumps, 20”
2nd- 12 Power/Muscle Snatch, 75#
3 sets @ high effort
Row 500m @ @ 1:55/500m
15 Double KB Front Squats, 53#/H
rest 60 sec b/w sets

Warm up - Done

A. Started @ 135 and increased 20# every 2min. Ended at 185#
B. 265# - Missed the last clean on 285#. Probably could have hit 275#.

C. EMOM: Done - This was all breathing.

D. All squats unbroken
2:51 - had to walk kinda far to get to the KB. Moved the KB for the last 2 sets.

Friday 10/16

10 min Practice Ring Swings w/ Towel & hollow rocks
Strict Muscle Ups- 5 min attempts
A. Strict Lean Away CTB Pull Ups @ 30X1, 4 x 4-6 reps, 2 min **add weight vest if possible
B. 3 Bar MU’s + 4 CTB Pull Ups + 6 Pull Ups, 4 sets, rest as needed to get unbroken
C1. Incline Bench Press @ 20X1, 4 x 2-3 reps, rest 20 sec
C2. Ring Push Ups @ 20X!, 4 x 8-10 reps, rest 3 min
rest 60 sec
# of reps from AMRAP for time:
rest 60 sec
# of reps from AMRAP for time:
Row 150m MAX EFFORT, rest 2-3 min x 5

MU practice done. 
Got 2 s.Muscle ups 

A. Done - did last set with 15lb vest. wasn't able to get c2b though. 
B. Done - This is kinda fun. 

C1. Done - 185/215/235/255 failed 2nd rep. 
C2. Done 

22 reps 

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Wednesday 10/14

10 min @ 80% aerobic
Row 250m
15 DB Thrusters, 25#/H
50 Double Unders
rest 5 min
10 min @ 80% aerobic
Run 200m
15 KB Swings, 70#
50 Double Unders
rest 5 min
10 min @ 80% aerobic
Burpee Toes to Bar
rest 5-10 min
A1. Front Squat @ 13X1, 4 x 4 reps, rest 30 sec
A2. L-Sit Chin Over Bar Hold, 4 x 20-30 sec, rest 3 min

Saw the Chiropractor turns out I have a tight anterior tibia which is pulling on the tendon and causing pain. He said I shouldn't do any jump rope for the next few days so I subbed AD for 30-45sec.

3 + 1 thruster
3+100m run
72 reps

A1. 225/245/285/315 - That was tough.
A2. Done - Ouch...Those are hard.

Tuesday 10/13

Tuesday (2nd Session)
A.M. if possible
6 sets
Row 1000m @ 1:57/500m
rest 60 sec
**rest 5 min b/w sets 3 & 4

A. Uneven Ring Pull Ups @ 21X1, 6 x 4-6 reps, rest 2 min **try to keep unbroken
B. Strict Deficit HSPU’s @ 7” deficit, 2/min for 10 min
C. CG Bench Press @ 32X1, 4 x 2-3 reps, rest 3 min building
D. CTB Pull Ups, 5 CTB Pull Ups/30 sec for 6 min
Sled Push Heavy grinding weight- 12 sec Max Effort, rest 2 min x 4

Done - @ 1:57/500m . I focused on keeping the avg. @ 1:57/500m. This wasn't quite as terrible as the 30min row, but it was still terrible as usual.


A. These get me every time. Hard to stay UB. I broke on 1 set.

B. Done - The funny thing about this is that it was a better score then what I did last week. They felt good.

C. 205/225/245/265 - Felt good.

D. Done - those felt very easy. I did an extra set b/c they just felt so good.

E. Done with 365# + sled.

Monday 10/12

A. 3 Ring Muscle Ups + 3 Ring Dips + 10 sec Ring Support, 1 complex/2 min for 6 sets  **work on jumping from directly under the rings and catching with arms straight and starting swing from there to hopefully keep better rhythm.
B. Power Clean x 1 + Front Squat x 4, 5 sets to tough complex, rest 2-3 min
C. Dead Lift @ 11X1, 3 x 7 reps, rest 3 min **pause on ground each rep, not TnG
Air Bike 10 min cool down

A. This was a little tougher then last week. But also kinda fun.

B. 205/225/275/285/300# - This felt good. Always good to be in the 300's

C. 295/325/365 - That was kinda rough.

Coll down - Done

Saturday 10/10

Warm Up
3 rounds not for time:
Run 200m
3 Ring Muscle Ups **focus on catching as high as possible in the dip
10 Toes to Bar
A. Power Snatch x 5 TnG/min for 8 min **start @ 55% and build as needed, not going for 5RM
B. Squat Clean, build to 7RM TnG
12 min EMOM
1st- 7 Burpee Box Jumps, 20”
2nd- 10 Alt DB Snatches, 70#
3 sets @ high effort
Row 500m @ @ 1:57/500m
15 Wall Ball, 30#
rest 60 sec b/w sets

Warm up - Done

A. Started @ 135/155/165/185 last set at 185. Went up in weight ever 2min.

B. 255# - That was kinda terrible but fun at the same time.

C. EMOM - Done. This was better then last week. I started to slow down a lot on the last round.

D. 2:39/2:33/2:58 - I have been having ankle/knee pain on the left leg. My ankle was the size of a softball on Thursday. And it really started to hurt me here. I went UB on the first 2 rounds but not the 3rd.

Friday 10/9

10 min Practice Ring Swings w/ Towel-
Strict Muscle Ups- 5 min attempts
A. Strict Lean Away CTB Pull Ups @ 30X1, 4 x 4-6 reps, 2 min **add weight vest if possible
B. 2 Bar MU’s + 4 CTB Pull Ups + 6 Pull Ups, 4 sets, rest as needed to get unbroken
C1. Incline Bench Press @ 20X1, 4 x 3-5 reps, rest 20 sec
C2. Ring Push Ups @ 20X!, 4 x 8-10 reps, rest 3 min
For time:
1-2-3-4-5-6-7 Unbroken Strict HSPU’s for time:
Row 150m MAX EFFORT, rest 2-3 min x 4

MU -practice Done! 

Got 2 strict MUs - getting better 

A. Done - No weight vest. Last few reps I could only get my chin over the bar. All unbroken. 
B. Done - My hands!!! This was fun but my hands were on fire! lol 

C1. 185/205/225/235 - Last rep on the last set I failed. 

D.3:52 - Failed the last rep on the set of 7 @ the 2:30 mark. Waited 1 min and then hit the last 7 unbroken. 

E. 26.1/25.2/24.6/24.9sec - At first these weren't that bad. The last one kinda hurt.   

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Wednesday 10/6

Row 100m MAX EFFORT- record max pace/500m reached, rest 2-3 min x 3
Row 60 sec @ 2:05/500m
Row 40 sec @ 2:00/500m
Row 20 sec @ goal 30 min TT pace
x 2
rest 3-5 min
Row 30 min TT
**record avg pace/500m, avg HR, total distance

A. 1:25/1:23/1:21

1:57/500m pace
HR: 156avg/179max

Tuesday 10/6

A. Uneven Ring Pull Ups @ 21X1, 6 x 6-8 reps, rest 2 min **set rings about 6-8” apart in height, alternate sides/set
B. Strict Deficit HSPU’s @ 10” deficit- 10 min AMRAP
C. CG Bench Press @ 32X1, 4 x 3-4 reps, rest 3 min building
D. CTB Pull Ups 10 x 5 unbroken reps for time: **must break at 5 and must be 5 unbroken each time.
Sled Push Heavy grinding weight- 10 sec Max Effort, rest 2 min x 4

A. Done - Left side is weaker. Video is of the last set.

B. 18 - Paced this a lot. Did 1 every :30sec and then 1 every :45. Last 2min I pushed to get 18 total.

C. 185/205/225/245 - Not bad.

D. 2:30 - Couldn't get a good rhythm. Felt tough.

E. Done with #270 (not including the sled).

Monday 10/5

A. 2 Ring Muscle Ups + 3 Ring Dips + 10 sec Ring Support, 1 complex/2 min for 6 sets
B. Power Clean x 2 + Front Squat x 3, 5 sets to tough complex, rest 2-3 min
C. Dead Lift @ 20X1, build to 1RM *perfect form, don’t let back round
D. Dead Lift @ 80%, 30 reps for time:
Air Bike 10 min cool down

A. Done - Wasn't that bad until the next day - my back was really sore.

B. 185/205/225/245/265 - Felt good. Always does. 

C. 455# - perfect form 

D. 3:02 - ouch! Last 3 reps were ugly. Pulled the bar onto my quads and then stood up. Hamstrings got really tired. Hips felt good. 

Saturday 10/3

Warm Up
3 rounds not for time:
Run 200m
3 Ring Muscle Ups **focus on catching as high as possible in the dip
10 Toes to Bar
A. Power Snatch x 3 TnG/min for 10 min **start @ 60% and build as needed, not going for 3RM, just tough set
12 min EMOM
1st- 10 Bar-Facing Burpees
2nd- 10 TnG Power Cleans, 135#
3 sets @ high effort
Row 500m
10 Toes to Bar
Run 400m
50 Double Unders
rest 60 sec b/w sets

Warm up - Done

A. 135/155/175/185 - Got a little spicy

B. EMOM - Done. Had to dig to get this done. At first glance didnt look that bad, but it got bad quick. lol

C. 6:17/5:45/6:12 - that was also harder then I thought. lol

Friday 10/2

10 min Practice Ring Swings w/ Towel-
Strict Muscle Ups- 5 min attempts
A. Strict Lean Away CTB Pull Ups @ 30X1, 4 x 4-6 reps, rest as needed to get unbroken
B. 1→ 5 Unbroken CTB Pull Up Ladder AMRAP- 4 minutes
C1. Incline Bench Press @ 20X1, 4 x 4-6 reps, rest 20 sec
C2. Ring Push Ups @ 20X!, 4 x 8-10 reps, rest 3 min
For time:
Strict HSPU’s
Ring Dips
Row 500m for time:

Ring Swing Practice - Done

S.MUs - Got 1. I had to over exaggerate my false grip. I think I might need to work on that some.

A. Done - did 4x4. Last reps were tough. Didn't get C2B on last few.
B. 3+12 - Couldn't find a rhythm.
C1. All done @ 185.
C2.  Done

D. 9:42 - Well I thought my shoulders were strong. lol. I went UB on the first round and then the HSPU got difficult. Set of 9 was all singles on the HSPU.

E. 1:30 - I was on a 1:28/500m pace and then died 1min

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Training 9/28-9/30


Friday/Saturday- Compete!


30 min Row, Bike mixed as needed in Z2 (HR 130-150)
45 min mobility

A1. Front Squat @ 70%, 4 x 5 reps, rest as needed
A2. Strict Pull Ups, no weight, 4 x 5 reps, rest as needed
B. Power Snatch, 1/min @ 75% for 15 min
C. Power Clean, 1/min @ 75% for 15 min
D. L-Sit Hang, 10sec/min for 10 min

Row 2 min @ 75-80%
rest 1 min
Bike 2 min @ 75-80%
rest 1 min
x 6
30 min mobility

Monday - Done Added in 5min run. The rest done mixed bike and row.

A1 - 305#
A2 - done

B. Done @ 175#
C. Done @ 235#
D. Done

Pre-Comp Training

W7 for pensacola
Friday- Snatch Testing + CP Tester + MAP Runs
Warm up
3 rounds not for time:
4-6 L-Sit Pull Ups
4-6 Wall Facing HSPU’s
4-6 Pistols/leg
A. Clean Complex, build to about 90% effort for 3 sets  
B. Front Squat, build to a tough double, not 2RM
For time:
Row 250m
21 Toes to Bar Unbroken
15 Power Snatches
9 Bar-Facing Burpees
**try to go unbroken, go for broke, if you hit a wall, we’ll discuss later
rest 15-20 min
For time:
Row 250m
15/6 Toes to Bar
8/7 Snatches
9 Bar-facing burpees

Saturday- Bending Vol + Mixed MAP 
20 FSQ’s, 185#
20 Box Jump Overs
10 Muscle Ups
20 Power Cleans, 185#
rest as needed (preferably second session)
250’ Bear Crawl
25 DB Push Press, 55#/H
75 Cal Air Bike
25 DB Push Press, 55#/H
Run 800m

Sunday- off

Monday- Cl&J Testing + CF Tester + MAP Runs
A. Clean Complex, build to about 90% effort for 1 set
B. FSQ, build to about 85% for a single
16 min EMOM
1st- Row 200m
2nd- 7 Unbroken Toes to Bar
3rd- 5 TnG Power Snatches, 145#
4th- 5 Bar-Facing Burpees
20 min easy run

Tuesday- BSQ Heavy + Sled Sprint + MAP 1/2
A. 2 sets of Max Unbroken Muscle Ups (-2), rest 4-5 min
B. 2 sets of Max Unbroken Strict HSPU’s @ 5” deficit, rest 4-5 min
3 sets 
4 Bar-Facing Burpees
rest 20 sec
10 Box Jump Overs, 24”
rest 20 sec
40 Double Unders
rest 20 sec
Row 20 min easy pace

Wednesday- Sn/Cl&J tough + Skill EMOM + Row w/ Mask
A. Clean Complex, build to about 75-80% for a perfect single
20 sec Sled Push w/ bodyweight including sled max effort, rest 4 min x 4
Air Bike, 30 sec @ 65-70RPM, 30 sec easy spin, x 10
Air Bike 10 min Z1


Friday/Saturday- Compete!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Wednesday- Sn/Cl&J tough + Skill EMOM + Row w/ Mask
A. Hang Snatch, build to 3RM TnG, <10 min
B. Below Knee Hang Snatch Pull @ 100% Snatch, 3 x 3 TnG **never stop moving, fast drive up, lower straight down to below knee and right back up, rest 2-3 min b/w sets
C.  FSQ + 3 Jerk (any style), build to tough set **take from rack
For time:
5 rounds
5 Unbroken Muscle Ups
10 Unbroken Toes to Bar
30 Strict HSPU's
Row 20 min @ Z1 w/ Training Mask

A. 185/195/205/215/225(Failed last rep)
B. Did at 225# and used straps
C. 205/225/265/275/285/300# - Felt fast. Glad to hit 300#

D. 9:37
- MUs unbroken except the last round. I did 4 and then couldn't get the 5th. Failed it twice.
- T2B first round UB. All others 5/5.

E. 1:25 - Did 21 UB. I feel like I could have done this in less time.

Row - Done


Tuesday- BSQ Heavy + Sled Sprint + MAP 1/2
A. Pause BSQ w/ 2 sec pause in bottom, build to tough single less than 12 mi
4 x 30 sec Air Bike Sprint, rest 3-4 min
3 sets
Row 1000m @ 2:00/500m
25 KB Swings, 53#
10 Burpees
rest 3 min b/w sets
10 min cyclical flush of choice

A. 225/275/315/365/405#

B. Done

C. 5:55/5:47/5:45

D. Air Bike 10min @ Z1


Monday- Cl&J Testing + CF Tester + MAP Runs
3 rounds not for time:
25’ HS Walk
40 Double Unders
50’ Duck Walk w/ Barbell*** in OHS position
A. Hang Clean, build to 3RM TnG *full squat every rep, anywhere above knee to high hang, your choice
10 Thrusters, 175#
20 CTB Pull Ups
15 Thrusters, 155#
25 Pull Ups
20 Thrusters, 135#
30 Toes to Bar
**runs can be done as separate session if needed or possible
Run 800m **all -2-3 sec from last week
rest 1 min
x 3


Warm up - Done

A. 225/255/265/275/285/295/305# 

B. 9:30 - Legs were a little tired.
- Thrusters 5/5
- C2B unbroken

- Thrusters 8/7
- Pull ups 15/10

-Thrusters 10/5/5
T2B - 15/10/5

-Legs felt like lead weights. 


Did a scaled partner comp. Skipped this workout.

Monday, September 14, 2015


W6 for pensacola
Friday- Snatch Testing + CP Tester + MAP Runs
Warm up
3 rounds not for time:
4-6 L-Sit Pull Ups
4-6 Wall Facing HSPU’s
4-6 Pistols/leg
A. Power Snatch build to 1RM  
B. Power Snatch w/ 75% of above, 3 x AMRAP unbroken, rest 3 min
OHS, 185#
Muscle Ups
**can be done in p.m.
Run 400m @ -3 sec pace from last week
rest 30 sec
x 3
rest 2 min
x 2
**6 total 400’s

Warm up - On my second pull up I felt something pop and had a shooting pain down my side. I decided to skip the rest of the pull ups. Finished the rest.

A. 155/185/205/215/225# - Felt weak today.
B. 6/5/5 - Again felt kinda fatigued walking into the gym today and these felt kinda heavy.

C. 22:18 - Legs felt good on OHS. Shoulders were a little tight. MUs weren't bad. I didn't really push on this b/c I wasn't feeling strong.

Runs done later

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


Wednesday- Sn/Cl&J tough + Skill EMOM + Row w/ Mask
A. Snatch, build to 3RM TnG, <10 min
B. Snatch Pull @ 110% of A, 3 x 3, rest 90 sec *straps if needed
C. 2 FSQ + Split Jerk, build to tough set **take from rack
For time:
20 Muscle Ups
40 HSPU’s, 6” deficit
80 Toes to Bar
Row 20 min @ Z1 w/ Training Mask

A. 135/155/175/195/225(F)/235(F)
- Wasn't feeling strong this AM. Failed 225 and thought I could get 235 failed that on the last rep. Time ran out and thought about going for it again but decided to move on.

B. Did this at 255# w/Staps.

C. 17:45
MUs - 8/4/4/4 - done in under 3min
HSPUs - were tough. Did sets of 5 until the last 10 and then did 3s/2s.
T2B - 10/10/10/10/6/6/6/6/6/6/2/2
-My hands were hurting. Hip flexors got tired towards the end of the T2B. Shoulders were very tired on the HSPUs.

Row to be done later in the day.


Tuesday- BSQ Heavy + Sled Sprint + MAP 1/2
A. 1 & 1/4 BSQ @ 30X1, build to tough single less than 12 mi
4 x 20 sec Sled Push w/ 150# on top, rest 3-4 min
40 min EMOM
1st- 15 Wall Ball, 20#+ Air Bike easy in remaining time...
2nd- Row @ Z3
3rd- 6 Rebounding Box Jumps, 24" + Air Bike easy…
4th- Row @ Z3

A. 405#

B. Done

- That was rough. I just kept it to one minute at a time and got through it. WBs unbroken. Tried to keep the row under 1:50/500m pace.


Monday- Cl&J Testing + CF Tester + MAP Runs
3 rounds not for time:
25’ HS Walk
40 Double Unders
50’ Duck Walk w/ Barbell*** in OHS position
A. Clean, build to 3RM TnG *full squat every rep
3 rounds for time:
20 CTB Pull Ups
20 KB Swings, 70#
**runs can be done as separate session if needed or possible
Run 800m **all -2-3 sec from last week
rest 1 min
x 3

Warm up - Done

A. 255/275/295/305(F)/305(F)
- Failed 305# on the 3rd rep each time. I caught it in the whole but couldn't stand it up.

B. 6:26
C2B - 11/9 - except the last set was 11/6/3
KBS - 12/8 - Grip was destroyed. Forearms were on fire.

- Last run was a grinder.


Saturday- Bending Vol + Mixed MAP
A. Hang Power Cleans, 3 x 7 TnG, rest 3 min
7 min  @ 85%
3 Toes to Bar
12 Wall Ball, 20#
6 Toes to Bar
12 Wall Ball, 20#
9 Toes to Bar
12 Wall Ball, 20#
**ascending TTB by 3’s as high as possible
rest 4 min
7 min @ 85%
3 CTB Pull Ups
12 Thrusters, 95#
12 Thrusters, 95#
**ascending CTB as high as possible by 3’s
rest 4 min
7 min @ 95%
Air Bike 50 Cals
25 FSQ @ 155#
AMRAP Muscle Ups in remaining time:

A. 205/215/235 - Last set felt heavy.

1st - 7min @ 85%
15 T2B and 8 WBs

2nd - 7min @85%
12Thrusters and 12 C2B

3rd - 7min @95%
FSQ - 15/10
MUs - 4/6 - 10 total


Friday- Snatch Testing + CP Tester + MAP Runs
Warm up
3 rounds not for time:
4-6 L-Sit Pull Ups
4-6 Wall Facing HSPU’s
4-6 Pistols/leg
A. Below Knee Hang Snatch, build to a max
B. Squat Snatch w/ 75% of above, 3 x AMRAP unbroken, rest 3 min
Heavy Diane
Dead Lifts, 315#
Strict HSPU's
**can be done in p.m.
Run 400m @ -3 sec pace from last week
rest 30 sec
x 3
rest 2 min
x 2
**6 total 400’s

Warm up - Done

A. 195/215/225/235/245/255PR Felt great to PR. Good for my mental game.
B. 190#: 6/4/5 - These felt kinda good.

Heavy Diane - 6:46
Deadlifts weren't that bad. HSPUs got difficult but felt a lot better then a few months ago.

Running is feeling easier. At least 400s feel easier.  lol

Wednesday, September 2, 2015


Wednesday- Sn/Cl&J tough + Skill EMOM + Row w/ Mask
A. Snatch Pull + Hang Snatch from Below Knee, build to tough single, <10 min
B. Snatch Pull @ 105% of A, 3 x 3, rest 90 sec
C. 2 FSQ + Push Jerk + Split Jerk, build to tough set **take from rack
20 min EMOM
1st- AMRAP -2 Unbroken Ring MU's
2nd- 8 Deficit HSPU’s **6-8"
3rd- 12 Toes to Bar
Row 20 min @ Z1 w/ Training Mask

A. 185/205/225/235/245 Fail

B. All @ 255# - These felt heavy. Grip was toast.

C. 185/205/225/245/275(F)/275 - Not front squatting in awhile the first set at 185# felt like 315#. lol The jerk was feeling better.

EMOM: Done
MUs - 7/6/4/4/4/4/3 these felt good
D.HSPU - Used 2 45#s for deficit. These felt pretty good. Thought that the reps were 6-8. Did 6 ea. round. Except for 1 round did 3.
T2B - All done 9/3.

PM: Row Done

Also added some running:
800m Run
1min rest

All about a 3:45 pace

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Tuesday- BSQ Heavy + Sled Sprint + MAP 1/2
A. Back Squat @ 40X1, build to 2RM in less than 12 mi
6 x 15 sec Sled Push w/ 170# on top, rest 3-4 min
40 min EMOM
1st- 6 Burpees to 6” target + Air Bike easy in remaining time...
2nd- 30 Double Unders + Air Bike easy…
3rd- 6 Rebounding Box Jumps, 20" + Air Bike easy…
4th- 2 Wall Walks + Air Bike easy...

A. 425# - Wanted to hit more. Failed 445#. Probably to much.

B. Sled Pushes - Thought I was gonna throw up on these. This week has been terrible. My fault I need more sleep.

EMOM - Done. Just another grinder. Wasn't that bad. Getting used to it. lol...


Monday- Cl&J Testing + CF Tester + MAP Runs
3 rounds not for time:
25’ HS Walk
40 Double Unders
50’ Duck Walk w/ Barbell*** in OHS position
A. Clean & Jerk, build to 3RM TnG, no pause at the shoulder on way up **ground to shoulder to OH anyhow
For time:
75 Hang Squat Snatch, 75# **below knee hang
30 Strict Pull Ups
75 KB Swings, 70#  **go max unbroken on your first set of wall ball, then dig to finish
**runs can be done as separate session if needed or possible
Run 800m **all -2-3 sec from last week
rest 1 min
x 3


Warm up - Done

A. 135/155/185/205/235/255 (failed the last rep)

B. 18:50 - didn't sleep well the night before. Felt very sluggish.
H.S.Snatch - 10/10/10/10/10/5/5/8/7. My feet started to hurt on these and turned into more of a quad movement rather then using my hamstrings.
Pull up - set of two all the way through and switched between supinated and regular grip.
KBS - 20UB/5/5/10/10/10/8/7 - KBS killed me. I thought that they would be easy. Not easy at all. Shoulders were fried.

PM: Runs
3:15/3:13/3:13 - again these were kinda tough. Not a good day of training for me.


Saturday- Bending Vol + Mixed MAP
A. Clean Grip Dead Lift, 3 x 5 TnG, rest 3 min  *first set @ 285 **no hook grip
For time @ 85%
40 Toes to Bar
80 Wall Ball, 20#
rest 4 min
For time: @ 85%
Row 500m
30 Power Cleans 115#
30 CTB Pull Ups
rest 4 min
For time @ 95%  **note change in intensity here
Air Bike 50 Cals
25 Burpees to 6” target
**consistent effort across all sets, don’t go all out on first one

A. 285/315/335

T2B - Did 10/10/10/5/5
WB - 10/10/10/10/10/10/5/8/7

Row - 1:55 - 2:00min pace
P.Cleans - 10/10/5/5
C2B - These felt off. Hard to find a rhythm. first set was hard to get going. Did sets of 5 and one set of 10. 

AD&Burpees - My first thought after finishing it was - felt similar to 15.5. The lactic burn in my quads was rough and it stayed through the burpees.  I started going all out and just took a little off and established that as my 95%. 


W4 for pensacola
Friday- Snatch Testing + CP Tester + MAP Runs
Warm up
3 rounds not for time:
4-6 L-Sit Pull Ups
4-6 Wall Facing HSPU’s
4-6 Pistols/leg
A. High Hang Snatch + Below Knee Hang Snatch, build to a max
B. Squat Snatch w/ 90% of above, 3 x AMRAP unbroken, rest 3 min
15 Dead Lifts, 275#
15 Strict HSPU’s
10 Dead Lifts, 315#
10 HSPU’s, 5” deficit
5 Dead Lifts, 365#
5 HSPU’s 10” deficit
**can be done in p.m.
Run 400m @ -2 sec pace from last week
rest 30 sec
x 3
rest 2 min
x 2
**6 total 400’s

Warm up - Done

A. 235# - Felt good.

B. 2/2/2 - These are really hard. I feel like I should be able to do more. Not happy about this result.

C. 4:50 -

PM: Runs

Thursday, August 27, 2015


Wednesday- Sn/Cl&J tough + Skill EMOM + Row w/ Mask
A. Hang Snatch from Below Knee, build to tough single, <10 min
B. Snatch Pull @ 100% of A, 3 x 3, rest 90 sec
C. Clean + FSQ + Push Jerk + Split Jerk, build to tough set
20 min EMOM
1st- 3 Muscle Ups + 3 Bar MU's
2nd- 5 Deficit HSPU’s **add deficit
3rd- 10 Toes to Bar
Row 20 min @ Z1 w/ Training Mask

A. 215# - Failed 225#. Feeling slow and not strong.
B. Done @215#

- Scaled Bar MUs to as many as possible. The first few minutes I did the 3reps
- Started with a 16" deficit and then scaled that back to 10"
- T2B - all done

- Done

- Did the runs from Monday.


Tuesday- BSQ Heavy + Sled Sprint + MAP 1/2
A. Back Squat @ 40X1, build to 3RM in less than 12 mi
6 x 15 sec Sled Push w/ 150# on top, rest 3-4 min
40 min EMOM
1st- 6 Burpees to 6” target + Air Bike easy in remaining time...
2nd- 30 Double Unders + Air Bike easy…
3rd- 10 Russian KB Swings, 70# + Air Bike easy…
4th- 2 Wall Walks + Air Bike easy...

A. 425#
B. Done. The ground was wet and hard to push.
C. Done - such a grind


Monday- Cl&J Testing + CF Tester + MAP Runs
3 rounds not for time:
25’ HS Walk
40 Double Unders
50’ Duck Walk w/ PVC in OHS position
A. Clean & Jerk Speed Ladder (ground to shoulder to OH anyhow)- 235, 255, 275, 295, 315 x 3, rest 3-4 min b/w sets
For time:
75 Power Snatch, 75#
25 Strict Pull Ups
75 Wall Ball, 20#  **go max unbroken on your first set of wall ball, then dig to finish
**runs can be done as separate session if needed or possible
Run 800m **all sub 3:20
rest 1 min
x 3

Note: Had a death in the family and went out of town Sunday-Tuesday. I was able to go to a Crossfit and get this done.

Warm Up - done

2:34 - (315 Failed the clean and then made it)
3:15 - (275 Failed the Jerk. My toe hit a bump in the ground and twisted my foot. Didn't hurt it.)
3:00 - (All made)

- Snatches were done in sets of 10 for the first 30reps and then sets of 5.
- Pull ups were kinda tough.
- WBs unbroken 40.


Saturday- Bending Vol + Mixed MAP
A. Clean Grip Dead Lift, 3 x 7 TnG, rest 3 min  *first set @ 285
For time @ 85%
Wall Ball, 30#
Toes to Bar
rest 4 min
3 rounds for time @ 85%
15 Power Snatch, 95#
15 CTB Pull Ups
rest 4 min
For time @ 85%
20 HSPU's
Air Bike 50 Cals
20 HSPU's
**consistent effort across all sets, don’t go all out on first one

A. 285#/325/345 - hook gripped these and it destroyed my thumb.
B. 5:40/9:03/6:46
- Handstands felt easy. First set was UB. Second set was 10/5/3/2. C2B felt kinda hard on the last set.


W3 for pensacola
Friday- Snatch Testing + CP Tester + MAP Runs
Warm up
3 rounds not for time:
4-6 L-Sit Pull Ups
4-6 Wall Facing HSPU’s
4-6 Pistols/leg
A. Power Snatch, build to a 3RM
B. Squat Snatch w/ 3RM weight, 3 x AMRAP unbroken, rest 3 min
Dead Lifts, 345#
10” deficit HSPU's
**can be done in p.m.
Run 400m @ 1:48-1:50 if you’re on same track as last week
rest 30 sec
x 3
rest 2 min
x 2
**6 total 400’s

A. 205#
B. 4/3/4

C. 5:40 - Did this with parallettes to a 11" deficit and an abmat on the ground. I was expecting to do this sub 4min. The parallettes made this so much worse.

D. 1:40/1:49/1:41/1:36/1:37/1:36

Wednesday, August 19, 2015


Wednesday- Sn/Cl&J tough + Skill EMOM + Row w/ Mask
A. Hang Snatch from Below Knee w/ 3 sec Pause in hang, build to tough single
B. High Hang Clean + FSQ + Push Jerk w/ 3 sec pause in dip for jerk, build to tough set
20 min EMOM
1st- 4 Muscle Ups
2nd- 5 Deficit HSPU’s **add deficit
3rd- 9 Toes to Bar
Row 20 min @ Z1 w/ Training Mask

A. 215# - Felt good. I jumped up to 235# after this b/c I was in a hurry and missed it twice. Was kinda frustrated that I missed 235#

B. 245# - Jumped up from 245# to 275# and missed the jerk. It looked ugly.

C. EMOM - Harder then last week. All unbroken. Used two 45#s and a 10# plate for deficit.

This was around the 12-15th min

D. Row Done. 4154m rowed. That sucked.

Legs feeling beat up. Gonna do some extra recovery work this week. Not my best day of training.


Tuesday- BSQ Heavy + Sled Sprint + MAP 1/2
A. Back Squat @ 40X1, build to 4RM in less than 12 mi
6 x 12 sec Sled Push w/ 150# on top, rest 3-4 min
36 min EMOM
1st- 6 Burpees to 6” target + Air Bike easy in remaining time...
2nd- 30 Double Unders + Air Bike easy…
3rd- 10 Russian KB Swings, 70# + Air Bike easy…
4th- 2 Wall Walks + Air Bike easy...

A. 405# - Felt good about that up from 385 last week. I got a little extra sleep the night before, so probably is why it went up.

B. Grinder. Done. DUs sucked on my ankles. Body just feels achy. Joints are sore. Gonna try to get an ice bath this week.


Monday- Cl&J Testing + CF Tester + MAP Runs
3 rounds not for time:
25’ HS Walk
40 Double Unders
50’ Duck Walk w/ PVC in OHS position
A. Clean & Jerk Speed Ladder (ground to shoulder to OH anyhow)- 225, 245, 265, 285, 305 x 3, rest 3-4 min b/w sets
For time:
150 Double Unders
50 Power Snatch, 75#
150 Double Unders
50 Burpees
150 Double Unders
**runs can be done as separate session if needed or possible
Run 800m **all sub 3:30
rest 1 min
x 3

Warm up - Done. HS walk getting better.

A. 2:09/2:05/2:09 - That was harder then I thought. I missed the clean on the last bar of the 1st set. Didn't have any other misses.

B. 17:45 - 570 DUs today...My ankles were a little tired. Need an ice bath. lol

3:11/3:24/3:19 - Felt good with these. Running is getting better.


Saturday- Bending Vol + Mixed MAP
A. Clean Grip Dead Lift, 3 x 8 TnG, rest 3 min  *first set @ 265
For time @ 85%
OHS, 115#
CTB Pull Ups
rest 4 min
3 rounds for time @ 85%
25 KB Swings, 70#
25 Box Jumps, 24” step down
rest 4 min
For time @ 85%
Air Bike 50 Cals
30 HSPU's
**consistent effort across all sets, don’t go all out on first one

A. 265/315/325 - That hurt my hands more then anything.

B1. 5:47
B2. 10:33
B3. 5:05

Then did some more running about 30min after
6X400m - did at a moderate pace. More of a cool down then anything.


W2 for pensacola
Friday- Snatch Testing + CP Tester + MAP Runs
Warm up
3 rounds not for time:
4-6 L-Sit Pull Ups
4-6 Wall Facing HSPU’s
4-6 Pistols/leg
A. Hang Snatch, build to a 3RM no hook grip
B. Hang Snatch w/ 3RM weight, 3 x AMRAP unbroken, rest 3 min **use hook grip on these
“Heavy DT"
**can be done in p.m.
Run 400m @ 85% effort
rest 30 sec
x 3
rest 2 min
x 2
**6 total 400’s

Warm up - Done
-Pistols are kinda hard on my left leg, b/c of my mobility in my ankle. I have to warm it up a lot.

A. 205#
B. 1/4/5 - First set I wasn't ready for it to be that heavy.

C. Heavy DT - 14:50. Was shooting for 12min. I think if I redid it I could make 12min. I feel like I rested a lot and walked around to much. Didn't have the right mentality going into it.
-Rounds 1-3 were all unbroken DL. H.Cleans 4/4/3/1. S2O All unbroken.
-Round 4 I switched for some reason. H.Cleans 5/4.
-Round 5 I went back to the original reps sequence.

This is the 4th round.

1:42/1:37/1:48/1:47/1:54/1:56 - It was probably 425m.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015


Wednesday- Sn/Cl&J tough + Skill EMOM + Row w/ Mask
A. High Hang Snatch + Snatch Balance, build to tough set
B. Below Knee Hang Clean w/ 3 sec pause in hang + Push Jerk, build to tough set
20 min EMOM
1st- 3 Muscle Ups
2nd- 5 Deficit HSPU’s
3rd- 7 Toes to Bar
Row 20 min @ Z1 w/ Training Mask

A. 135/155/175/195/205/215 failed the S.Balance.
B. 135/155/185/225/245/275 Jerk needs work and shoulder mobility needs work.

C. 20 EMOM - Done MUs and HSPU unbroken. used two 45lb plates for deficit. T2B done 4/3.
- Thought this might be harder then it was. There was plenty of rest between minutes.

D. Had to cut this short, so I could coach a class. Did 13min. Max HR was 152. Avg HR was 150. 2900m total. That kinda sucked, but I liked it at the same time.

My hip flexors are extremely sore and tight after Tuesday. Been rolling them out and trying to stretch as much as possible.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015


Tuesday- BSQ Heavy + Sled Sprint + MAP 1/2
A. Back Squat @ 40X1, build to 5RM in less than 12 mi
6 x 12 sec Sled Push w/ 140# on top, rest 3-4 min
30 min EMOM
1st- 6 Burpees to 6” target + Air Bike easy in remaining time...
2nd- 30 Double Unders + Air Bike easy…
3rd- 10 Back Extensions w/ 20# DB + Air Bike easy…

A. 385# - felt good and kinda tough.

B. Done. That was hard but fun. It was hard to breathe for some reason.

C. Done. What a grinder. There was nothing to do but keep going. I kept telling myself just finish this minute and then worry about the next minute. One at a time.


Monday- Cl&J Testing + CF Tester + MAP Runs
3 rounds not for time:
25’ HS Walk
40 Double Unders
50’ Duck Walk w/ PVC in OHS position
A. Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean + FSQ + Jerk, build to max set
For time:
50 Box Jumps, 24”
40 Alt DB Snatch, 70#
30 CTB Pull Ups
20 Over Head Squats, 155#
10 Muscle Ups
**runs can be done as separate session if needed or possible
Run 800m
rest 1 min
x 3

Warm Up - Done. I like practicing HS walk b/c i'm not that good at them. 25" is about as far as I can go unbroken.

A. Worked up to 300#. 225/245/265/285/300. The jerk felt terrible. Not surprised we haven't been doing a lot of jerk work.

B. 14:04 - C2B 10/10/10, OHS 13/3/2/2 Those killed my legs. MUs - 4/3/2/1 wanted to go 5/5 but my gripped slipped off.

- Did these with a buddy that can run like the wind and I tried to keep up with him....I didn't work so well for me lol.

Friday, August 7, 2015


Saturday- Bending Vol + Mixed MAP
A. Clean Grip Dead Lift, 3 x 10 TnG, rest 3 min
For time @ 85%
Thrusters, 95#
Toes to Bar
rest 4 min
3 rounds for time @ 85%
21 Wall Ball, 20#
21 Pull Ups
rest 4 min
For time @ 85%
Row 750m
30 Burpees Over Erg
**consistent effort across all sets, don’t go all out on first one

A. 245/265/275 - This wasn't that hard, but it taxed me more then I thought it would.

B. 5:41/8:05/6:04
-The burpees were terrible. It was a grind.


W1 for pensacola
Friday- Snatch Testing + CP Tester + MAP Runs
Warm up
3 rounds not for time:
4-6 L-Sit Pull Ups
4-6 Wall Facing HSPU’s
4-6 Pistols/leg
A. Snatch Speed Ladder, 185, 195, 205, 215, 225 for time, rest 3 min x 3 sets
Heavy Amanda
Muscle Ups
Squat Snatch, 185#
Run 400m @ 85% effort
rest 30 sec
x 3
rest 2 min
x 2
**6 total 400’s

Warm up - Done

A. :40/:44/1:03 Failed 225# and then took a set back to collect myself and hit it.
B. 11:16 - Not happy about that time. The snatchs killed me. I failed 3 snatchs and 2 in a row. MUs felt great. I broke the 9s into 3/3/3. I broke the 7s into 4/3. Then went unbroken on the set of 5. Felt like I surprised myself on the MUs.
C. Done. Running sucked. I don't know my splits.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015


Wednesday- UB CP + MAP Varied building
A. CG Bench Press @ 31X1, build to 1RM
B. 10 Legless Rope Climbs for time:
For time:
Row 250m
15 KB Swings, 70#
25 Burpees
15 KB Swings, 70#
Row 500m
15 KB Swings, 70#
25 Burpees
15 KB Swings, 70#
Row 250m

What I did:
Row 250m
15 KB Swings, 70#
25 Burpees
Row 500m
15 KB Swings, 70#
25 Burpees
Row 250m

A. 315# - I think that was a match PR.
B. 4:25 - So hard to hold on

C. 8:33 - So, I looked at this wrong. I didn't see the 2nd set of kbs after the burpees. I did it with only one set of kbs. The last set of burpees were the difference maker. So hard to make that choice to keep going. All KBS unbroken. And row didn't feel that hard.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015


Tuesday- Snatch DL + IWT
A. Dead Lift @ 30X1, build to a tough single, perfect form
Run 1 mile for time:
rest as needed
Row 2k for time:

A. 355# - Could have done more w/o good form. But felt good about this weight.

B. 6:18PR!! Best mile I've ever run!

Rested about 10-15min

C. 7:18 - Ouch that hurt. First 500m was at a 1:42 split. Then dropped to 1:50-1:55 and tried to hold that. Then emptied the tank on the last 250m.


Monday- Clean Int/HSPU Int + Pull/Sq EMOM + MAP Varied
A. Clean, 1 @ 255, 1 @ 275, 1 @ 295, 1 @ 305, 1 @ 315 for time: **set up 5 bars if possible, let me know if this isn’t possible and I’ll change it
For time:
12 Deficit HSPU’s, 10”
24 Cal Row
16 Cal Air Bike
8 DB Sq Snatch, 100#
**10 min time cap
Air Bike 15 Cal hard, rest 30 sec x 5

A. :49sec I only warmed up to 255. Probably should have warmed up more. 295/305/315 felt heavy.

B. 4:46 - Did parallette HSPU with 11" with an abmat on the bottom. Went unbroken on the HSPUs which surprised the hell out of me. Jumped on the rower and pulled as hard as I could. Same with the AD. No repped myself once on the snatchs. I didn't feel comfortable with my left arm so I switched and did all with my right arm.

C. Done - I don't know my splits. I know that I died after the 2nd set. Quads were just not moving and felt like I had no power left.


Saturday- BSQ Int + MAP Long
A. BSQ @ 20X1, 5 @ 60%, 3 @ 75#, 2 @ 85@, 1 @ 90%, 1 @ 95%, 1 @ 99+%, 1 more over 1RM if needed
6 rounds for time:
Run 400m
50’ Yoke Carry, 400#

A. 455# PR! I think last time was 425# w/ a 30X1.

B. 16:45 - My legs felt so heavy. I was running a 2min split and went unbroken on the yoke. Yoke wasn't that bad. It just made the run a little harder.


Friday- St MU practice + UB CP + Sn Int + CP Battery EMOM (bend/press) w/ Z1
A. Push Press @ 30X3, build to 1RM
B. Muscle Ups @ 30 reps for time:
30 reps SQUAT Snatch @ 135# for time:

A. Hit 215# but wasn't doing it correctly...
B. 5:50 3min PR!! Getting there... did sets of 2 all the way.
C. 2:50 - Did 11 unbroken and then sets of 3 and 2. My quads were on fire!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015


Wednesday- UB CP + MAP Varied building
A1. CG Bench Press @ 31X1, 5 x 3, rest 30 sec
A2. L-Sit Rope Climb + Rope Climb, 5 x 1.1 rep, rest 2 min **try to do second rope climb legless as long as possible
4 min @ 90%
Row 500m
50 Wall Ball, 20#
40 KB Swings, 70#
30 Push Press, 115#
20 Double KB Front Squats, 53#/h
10 Box Jump Overs, 30"
rest 4 min
6 min @ 90%
Row 500m
50 Wall Ball, 20#
40 KB Swings, 70#
30 Push Press, 115#
20 Double KB Front Squats, 53#/h
10 Box Jump Overs, 30"
rest 4 min
rest 4 min
For time:
Row 500m
50 Wall Ball, 20#
40 KB Swings, 70#
30 Push Press, 115#
20 Double KB Front Squats, 53#/h
10 Box Jump Overs, 30"

A1. 195/215/235/255/275
A2. Done, first 3 sets I was able to get all the way up the rope. The 4th and 5th set I got about 3/4 the way up.

B. 40WB/14KBS/13:13
- Did a set of 20WBs on the last round and I don't know if it really helped me that much. My workout partner beat me off the wall doing sets of 5. 4x10 on the KBS. 3x10 on the puch press. Wanted to do more on that but changed it mid workout. 15/5 on the front squats. That hurt,

Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Tuesday- Snatch DL + IWT
A. Snatch DL @ 41X1, 3 x 3 reps, building, rest 2 min
4 sets @ high consistent effort
Run 400m
rest 2 min b/w sets
4 sets @ high consistent effort
Row 500m
rest 2 min b/w sets
**yes, no weights in intervals

A. 225/265/285 No hook grip. Got hard to hold on.

1:22/1:20/1:23/1:27 - Last round was tough. After about 200m I died and slowed down a lot.
1:46/1;44/1:47/1:47 - These were hard to hold. I kept telling myself to make my pulls long.

Monday, July 27, 2015


Monday- Clean Int/HSPU Int + Pull/Sq EMOM + MAP Varied
A1. Clean Cluster, 5 x 1, rest  30 sec
A2. Wt Vest Strict Deficit HSPU’s Cluster, 5 x 1.1.1, rest 10-15 sec + 2 min **5” deficit
16 min
1st- 4 Steps Walking Lunges + 2 Front Squats @ 205-225#
2nd- 3 Ring Muscle Ups
3 sets @ high consistent effort
Air Bike 60 sec
10 Toes to Bar
15 Thrusters, 75#
5 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 24"
rest 3 min b/w sets

A1. 225/245/265/285/295.
A2. 20# vest. Failed on the last set.

1st -  done at 225#
2nd - all done unbroken

C. 3:32/3:32/3:23


Saturday- BSQ Int + MAP Long
A. BSQ @ 20X1, 5, 5, 3, 3, rest 3 min b/w, building
15 min @ 75% consistent effort
Row 500m
20 Alt KB Snatch, 35#
20 Box Jumps, 20” step down
rest 5 min
15 min @ 75% consistent effort
Run 400m
15 Wall Ball, 20#
35 Double Unders
15 Push Ups

A. 425#

B 3+26m/3+50m

Friday, July 24, 2015


Friday- St MU practice + UB CP + Sn Int + CP Battery EMOM (bend/press) w/ Z1
5 min Strict MU’s or Banded Ring MU’s
A1. Push Press @ 30X3, 4 x reps, rest 10 sec + 45 sec
A2. Strict CTB Lean Away Pull Ups @ 30X1, 4 x 2.2.2, rest 15 sec + 90 sec **add weight if possible
B. Snatch Pull + Power Snatch, build to tough set
20 min EMOM
1st- 4 TnG Power Snatch, 165# + Easy Skipping Rope remaining time:
2nd- 6-8 Kipping Deficit HSPU’s, build deficit over EMOM + Air Bike @ Z1 in remaining time **good improvement but also keep core tight to keep back from arching too much and it should light up as bad.

Worked on banded MUs. These are frustrating me.

A1. 135/155/175/195. 195 was really tough.
A2. I was told that I have a small kip at the top so I'm trying to not do that anymore. Felt like I couldn't get my chest to the bar.

B. 135/155/185/205/fail at 225. Overall snatch felt good. Just heavy.

1st - Snatchs were good through the 15th minute. I did 2/2 and then went back to 4TnG. Last set was singles.
2nd - Started with 45# plate. Worked up to a 45# and a 15#. stuck with that for last 10min. SHSPU felt good. 1 round I did 5 the rest were all 6reps.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015


Wednesday- UB CP + MAP Varied building
A1. CG Bench Press @ 31X1, 5 x 4, rest 30 sec
A2. L-Sit Rope Climb + Rope Climb, 5 x 1.1 rep, rest 2 min **try to do second rope climb legless as long as possible
4 min @ 90%
Row 800m
20 Over Head Squats, 95#
10 CTB Pull Ups
20 DB Thrusters, 35#/h
10 Toes to Bar
rest 4 min
6 min @ 90%
Row 800m
20 Over Head Squats, 95#
10 CTB Pull Ups
20 DB Thrusters, 35#/h
10 Toes to Bar
rest 4 min
rest 4 min
For time:
Row 800m
20 Over Head Squats, 95#
10 CTB Pull Ups
20 DB Thrusters, 35#/h
10 Toes to Bar
rest 4 min

A1. 185/205/225/245/265 these felt good. Last set was hard.
A2. First 2 sets felt good. Was able to get all the way up the rope on the L-Sits threw the 3rd round. Last set was rerally hard. My hands were shot.

4min: 19 OHS
6min: 18 Thrusters
For time: 6:10
Went kinda slow on the row and went unbroken on everything else.


Tuesday- Snatch DL + IWT
A. Snatch DL @ 41X1, 3 x 4 reps, building, rest 2 min
4 sets @ high consistent effort
7 Thrusters, 185#
Run 400m
rest 2 min b/w sets
3 sets @ high consistent effort
12 Alt DB Snatch, 75# or heavier
Row 500m
rest 2 min b/w sets

A. 185/225/255. No hook grip.
B.2:30/2:26/2:29/2:38 This was rough. Really tried to push on the run. Died on the last run.
C. 2:47/2:48/2:51


Monday- Clean Int/HSPU Int + Pull/Sq EMOM + MAP Varied
A1. Clean Cluster, 4 x 1.1, rest 10 sec + 30 sec
A2. Wt Vest Strict Deficit HSPU’s Cluster, 4 x, rest 10-15 sec + 2 min **5” deficit
**you are alternating between A1 & A2 correct?
16 min
1st- 4 Front Squats @ 75% 1RM
2nd- 2 Ring Muscle Ups + 2 Bar Muscle Ups + 4 CTB Pull Ups
3 sets @ high consistent effort
Air Bike 15 Cals
10 GH Sit Ups
10 Hang Power Clean to OH, 115#
10 Double KB Russian Swings, 53#/h
rest 3 min b/w sets

A1. 2 sets @ 225# and then 2 sets @ 255#. Didn't go crazy on these knowing that the front squats were coming up.
A2. Used a 20# weighted vest. Failed a couple reps so I did some extra reps.
***Yes I'm alternating

1st: Used 275#. Did 4 reps through the 10th min and then went to 3. 4/4/4/4/4/3/3/4
2nd: Completed the ring MUs each time but wasn't able to finish all the Bar MUs and C2B each round.

C. 2:30/2:35/2:15. I'm not 100% sure that the AD was counting cal correctly. It was taking me about 40-50 sec to do 15cals.


Saturday- BSQ Int + MAP Long
A. BSQ @ 20X1, 4 x 4 reps, rest 3 min b/w, building
15 min @ 75% consistent effort
Row 500m
7 Burpees Over Erg
15 Thrusters, 55#
3 x 5 Unbroken Toes to Bar
rest 5 min
15 min @ 75% consistent effort
Run 400m
20 Steps Walking Lunges
10 HR Push Ups
20’ HS Walk

A. Worked up to 425#. Didn't make the last rep. Knees came in and wasn't able to push them back out.

B. I did this above 75%. I was trying to keep up with some friends that did it with me. As a result I kinda died on the 2nd 15min. Handstand walks are feeling good.

3+60m/3 and then did another 400m run for funzies.


Friday- St MU practice + UB CP + Sn Int + CP Battery EMOM (bend/press) w/ Z1
5 min Strict MU’s or Banded Ring MU’s
A1. Push Press @ 30X3, 4 x 2.2.2 reps, rest 15 sec + 45 sec
A2. Strict CTB Lean Away Pull Ups @ 30X1, 4 x 3.3.3, rest 15 sec + 90 sec
B. Snatch Cluster, 1.1, build to a tough set, not TnG
20 min EMOM
1st- 3 TnG Power Snatch, 165 + 5 Russian KB Swings, 70# + Easy Skipping Rope remaining time:
2nd- 6-8 Kipping Deficit HSPU’s, build deficit over EMOM + Air Bike @ Z1 in remaining time

No Strict Muscle ups. Worked on banded. Did about 5x3 banded.

A1. 135/155/175/185. These got a little hard. 
A2. Couldn't keep the tempo the whole time. Also wasn't able to get my chest to the bar for the last few reps. 

B. Snatch felt good.  185/205/215/225/235/ Last fail felt like my shoulders were to tired to hold it. 

1st: Snatch got hard to do TnG. I did singles once in the later rounds and then switched back to TnG. KBS felt good. Russian is always easyish. lol

2nd: Did 6 reps each time. No reped myself once b/c I fell off the wall as I was pushing out. I feel like I've started to understand how to do these when they get tough. I try to lean and press out at the same time and then push my head through the window. I felt like that worked. My lower back was on fire from this. Started with a 10# plate and worked up from there every 5min. Probably start higher next time. 

Wednesday, July 15, 2015


Wednesday- UB CP + MAP Varied building
A1. CG Bench Press @ 31X1, 5 x 5, rest 30 sec
A2. L-Sit Rope Climb, 5 x 1 rep, rest 2 min
4 min @ 90%
Row 300m
30 Wall Ball, 30#
30 KB Swings, 70#
30 Box Jump Overs, 30”
90 Double Unders
rest 4 min
6 min @ 90%
Row 300m
30 Wall Ball, 30#
30 KB Swings, 70#
30 Box Jump Overs, 30”
90 Double Unders
rest 4 min
For time:
Row 300m
30 Wall Ball, 30#
30 KB Swings, 70#
30 Box Jump Overs, 30”
90 Double Unders

A1. 185/205/225/245/265 failed last rep.
A2. Done - couldn't get all the way up. was about 1'

C. 15KBS/10BJO/11:12
- Feel like a cold is coming on. I felt very fatigued before the start of this. I pretty much just want to get it done. Broke the WBs up a lot. KBS broke @16 then 5/5/4. DUs went 75 unbroken before tripping. 

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


Tuesday- Snatch DL + IWT
A. Snatch DL @ 41X1, 3 x 5 reps, building, rest 2 min
3 sets @ high consistent effort
7 TnG Squat Clean to Thrusters, 135-155#
Run 400m
rest 2 min b/w sets
3 sets @ high consistent effort
10 Sumo DL High Pulls, 135-155#
Row 500m
rest 2 min b/w sets

A. 185#/205#/225# - Used no hook grip on these. Made a huge difference.

B. 2:32/2:43/2:52 Done @155# Those runs got really tough

C. 2:21/2:21/3:14 Had to brake the last set at 5/5. I was toast.

Monday, July 13, 2015


Monday- Clean Int/HSPU Int + Pull/Sq EMOM + MAP Varied
A1. Clean Cluster, 4 x 1.1.1, rest 10 sec + 30 sec
A2. Wt Vest Strict Deficit HSPU’s Cluster, 4 x, rest 10-15 sec + 2 min
16 min
1st- 5 Front Squats @ 75% 1RM
2nd- 2 Strict CTB Pull Ups + 2 Bar MU’s
3 sets @ high consistent effort
Air Bike 15 Cals
12 Toes to Bar
12 Alt DB Snatches, 70#
30 Double Unders
rest 3 min b/w sets

A1. Worked up to 295#. Sets were 225#/245#/275#/295#
That got tough. Failed the 1st rep @ 295#.
A2. S.HSPUs all done @20# - Those got tough towards the end. Not that bad with the rest.

1st - Started with 305# and then dropped to 275# for the rest of the emom.
2nd - All done. MUs were unbroken. Broke between the C2B and MUs.
Note: That hurt a lot...Wanted to stop really bad, but kept telling myself 1 more.

C. Started with a 70# KB b/c we don't have a 70# DB. I couldn't use the KB b/c it was hitting my forearm and felt like it was gonna break my arm. I swtiched to a 50# DB for the 2nd round and then went to a 75#DB. So. I was all over the place. lol